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Initializes options of the init method.


  • InitOptions



alternativeNameForVideoPlayer?: string

Alternative name for Zoom Video Player to avoid name conflict with existing web component.

enforceMultipleVideos?: boolean | { disableRenderLimits?: boolean }

Optional Enforces multiple videos if true (up to 3 videos of others and 1 video of self) on platform without SharedArrayBuffer. If false, limits the view to one video. This may result in high CPU and memory usage. To increase the limit to up to 25 videos, set disableRenderLimits to true: enforceMultipleVideos({ disableRenderLimits: true }) Note that the video quality may be poor and unreliable. See browser support for details.

enforceVirtualBackground?: boolean

Optional Enforces virtual background on browser without SharedArrayBuffer. This may result in high CPU and memory usage. Use CanvasElement to render the self video. See browser support for details.

leaveOnPageUnload?: boolean

Quickly leave the session when refreshing or closing the page, instead of experiencing session failover. Caveat for two scenarios:

  • PSTN: Phone user who is bound to the current user. The phone will hang up instead of staying connected.
  • Subsession: Users in a subsession need to be assigned again instead of having been assigned and auto-joining the subsession.
patchJsMedia?: boolean

Optional Automatically apply the latest media dependency fixes. Default is false, but as a best practice, we recommend that you set it to true.

skipJsMedia?: boolean

Optional Do not load dependent assets. Used to address specific edge-cases. Do not use for almost all use-cases.

stayAwake?: boolean

Prevents devices from dimming or locking the screen when in a session.

webEndpoint?: string

Optional Specifies the web endpoint. The default is zoom.us.