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Zoom Video SDK for web platform.



VERSION: string

The version of the Zoom Video SDK for web.

Other Functions

  • Shows which features are supported and not supported on the current browser or platform.

    Returns SupportFeatures

    A SupportFeatures object. The object has following properties:

    • platform: string, the browser version info or platform version info.
    • supportFeatures: Array, contains all the support features on current platform.
    • unSupportFeatures: Array, contains all the unsupport features on current platform.
  • Checks the compatibility of the current browser. Use this method before calling init to check if the SDK is compatible with the web browser.

    Returns MediaCompatiblity

    A MediaCompatiblity object. The object has following properties:

    • audio: boolean, whether the audio is compatible with the current web browser.
    • video: boolean, whether the video is compatible with the current web browser.
    • screen: boolean, whether the screen is compatible with the current web browser.
  • destroyClient(): Promise<void>
  • Destroys the client.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • getDevices(skipPermissionCheck?: boolean): Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>
  • Enumerates the media input and output devices available, such as microphones, cameras, and headsets.

    If this method call succeeds, the SDK returns a list of media devices in an array of MediaDeviceInfo objects.

    Calling this method turns on the camera and microphone shortly for the device permission request. On browsers including Chrome 81 or later, Firefox, and Safari, the SDK cannot get accurate device information without permission to use the media device.

    ZoomVideo.getDevices().then(devices => {
    }).catch(e => {
    console.log('get devices error!', e);

    // Using await...
    try {
    const devices = await ZoomVideo.getDevices();
    } catch (e) {
    console.log('get devices error!', e);


    • Optional skipPermissionCheck: boolean

      Determines whether to skip the permission check. If you set this parameter as true, the SDK does not trigger the request for media device permission. In this case, the retrieved media device information may be inaccurate.

      • true: Skip the permission check.
      • false: (Default) Do not skip the permission check.

    Returns Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>

  • preloadDependentAssets(path?: string): void
  • Preloads dependent assets to optimize performance.


    • Optional path: string

    Returns void

ZOOM Core Functions

  • Creates a client for managing the session. This method will return a same instance if called multiple times. This is usually the first step of using the Zoom Video SDK for web.

    Returns typeof VideoClient

preview Functions