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Capture video option interface.


  • CaptureVideoOption



cameraId?: string | typeof MobileVideoFacingMode

Camera ID for the camera capturing the video, if not specified, use system default.

captureHeight?: number

Customized height of capture, default is 360p.

captureWidth?: number

Customized width of capture, default is 640p.

fps?: number

Specify the maximum frames per second (FPS) limitation. This is limited to between 10-30 FPS (inclusive). The default is 24 FPS.

fullHd?: boolean

Determines whether capture 1080p video enabled.

hd?: boolean

Determines whether capture 720p video enabled.

mask?: MaskOption

Mask option. Virtual background and mask are mutually exclusive, you can enable either virtual background or mask, not both.

mediaFile?: MediaPlaybackFile

Specify a media file as the video input.

  • If you need to use the same playback as audio and video input, when you stop video, the audio output will also be paused.
mirrored?: boolean

Determines whether self video is mirrored.

originalRatio?: boolean

Whether to capture the video in the original ratio, the default is to crop the ratio to 16:9.

ptz?: boolean

Determines whether to enable Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) when capturing video.

videoElement?: HTMLVideoElement

Video element. Only used in Android platform or non-SharedArrayBuffer Chromium-like browsers.

virtualBackground?: { cropped?: boolean; imageUrl: undefined | string }

Virtual background options.

Type declaration

  • Optional cropped?: boolean

    Determines whether to crop the background image to an appropriate aspect ratio (16/9), default is false.

  • imageUrl: undefined | string

    Image URL for the virtual background.

    • If set a specific image, the URL can be a regular HTTP or HTTPS URL, base64 format, or ObjectURL.
    • 'blur' : Blurs the background.
    • undefined : no virtual background.