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Zoom Meeting SDK for Web - 3.5.2


Type aliases

DesktopCapturerSource: { appIcon: NativeImageType; appIconSrc?: string; display_id: string; id: string; imgSrc?: string; name: string; thumbnail: NativeImageType }

Each DesktopCapturerSource represents a screen or an individual window that can be captured. The type of the return value of the getVideoSourcesCallBack method is passed in the shareSource API.

Type declaration

  • appIcon: NativeImageType

    appIcon.toDataURL() method used to display the app icon.

  • Optional appIconSrc?: string

    (Optional)The app icon's image source URL, used to display app icon. If you pass this parameter, the SDK uses in as the app icon.

  • display_id: string

    The display ID.

  • id: string

    The app ID used to pass the ID to the media stream.

  • Optional imgSrc?: string

    (Optional) The app screenshot's image source URL, used to display app screenshots. If you pass this parameter, the SDK uses it as the thumbnail.

  • name: string

    The app name.

  • thumbnail: NativeImageType

    thumbnail.toDataURL() method used to display app screenshots.

InMeetingEvent: "onUserJoin" | "onUserLeave" | "onUserUpdate" | "onUserIsInWaitingRoom" | "onMeetingStatus" | "onPreviewPannel| receiveSharingChannelReady" | "onReceiveTranscriptionMsg" | "onReceiveTranslateMsg" | "onAudioQos" | "onVideoQos" | "onShareQos" | "onClaimStatus" | "onNetworkQualityChange" | "onMediaCapturePermissionChange" | "onMediaCaptureStatusChange" | "onRoomStatusChange" | "onActiveSpeaker" | "onFocusModeStatusChange"

In meeting event listeners.

MeetingInfoType: "topic" | "host" | "mn" | "pwd" | "telPwd" | "invite" | "participant" | "dc" | "enctype" | "report"


NativeImageType: { toDataURL: any }

For the APIs that take images, the value of the image type returned by the getVideoSourcesCallBack method, passed in the shareSource API.

Type declaration

  • toDataURL:function
    • toDataURL(): string
    • The data URL of the image.

      Returns string

VbImageInfoType: { displayName: string; fileName: string; id: string; url: string }

Virtual background (VB) or mask image information.

Type declaration

  • displayName: string

    Name to display for VB or mask.

  • fileName: string

    Virtual background or mask file name.

  • id: string

    VB or mask ID, must be unique

  • url: string

    VB or mask image resource URL.


initArgs: { audioPanelAlwaysOpen?: boolean; debug?: boolean; defaultView?: string; disableCORP?: boolean; disableCallOut?: boolean; disableInvite?: boolean; disableJoinAudio?: boolean; disablePreview?: boolean; disableRecord?: boolean; disableReport?: boolean; disableVoIP?: boolean; enableFullHD?: boolean; enableHD?: boolean; error?: Function; externalLinkPage?: string; helper?: string; hideShareAudioOption?: boolean; inviteUrlFormat?: string; isLockBottom?: boolean; isShowJoiningErrorDialog?: boolean; isSupportAV?: boolean; isSupportBreakout?: boolean; isSupportCC?: boolean; isSupportChat?: boolean; isSupportNonverbal?: boolean; isSupportPolling?: boolean; isSupportQA?: boolean; isSupportSimulive?: boolean; leaveUrl: string; loginWindow?: { height: string; width: string }; meetingInfo?: MeetingInfoType[]; onRetryCallback?: Function; patchJsMedia?: boolean; screenShare?: boolean; sharingMode?: string; showMeetingHeader?: boolean; showPureSharingContent?: boolean; success?: Function; videoDrag?: boolean; videoHeader?: boolean; webEndpoint?: string }


Type declaration

  • Optional audioPanelAlwaysOpen?: boolean

    audioPanelAlwaysOpen: default: false, optional. Sets the default state of the audio panel on join. Always open or closed.

  • Optional debug?: boolean

    debug: default: false, optional. Turns on debug mode to print logs in the browser console.

  • Optional defaultView?: string

    defaultView: 'gallery' or 'speaker'. Optional. Sets the default video layout to gallery view (if supported) or 'speaker' (default value).

  • Optional disableCORP?: boolean

    disableCORP: default: false, optional. Enables or disables web isolation mode (developer environment feature).

  • Optional disableCallOut?: boolean

    disableCallOut: default: false, optional. Enables or disables the call out function.

  • Optional disableInvite?: boolean

    disableInvite: default: false, optional. Enables or disables the invite function.

  • Optional disableJoinAudio?: boolean

    disableJoinAudio: default: false, optional. Enables or disables the join audio function.

  • Optional disablePreview?: boolean

    disablePreview: default: false, optional. Enables or disables the audio and video preview features.

  • Optional disableRecord?: boolean

    disableRecord: default: false, optional. Enables or disables the call out function.

  • Optional disableReport?: boolean

    disableReport: default: false, optional. Enables or disables the report feature.

  • Optional disableVoIP?: boolean

    disableVoIP: default: false, optional. Enables or disables the Voice over IP (VoIP) feature.

  • Optional enableFullHD?: boolean

    enableFullHD: optional, >= 2.9.0 default=false, enable webinar attendee receive 1080P video when zoom backend support.

  • Optional enableHD?: boolean

    enableHD: optional, >=2.8.0 default=true. <2.8.0 default is false. Enables or disables 720p (bandwidth and hardware restrictions apply). See for details: https://developers.zoom.us/docs/meeting-sdk/web/720p/

  • Optional error?: Function

    error: optional, callback function on error.

  • Optional externalLinkPage?: string

    externalLinkPage: an intermediary HTML page for outgoing hyperlinks.

  • Optional helper?: string

    helper: optional, default: ''. Sets a helper HTML page for working around CORS issues. Example: https://github.com/zoom/meetingsdk-web/blob/master/helper.html

  • Optional hideShareAudioOption?: boolean

    Shows (false, default value) or hides (true) the "Share tab audio" checkbox when sharing a Chrome tab.

  • Optional inviteUrlFormat?: string

    inviteUrlFormat: default: '', optional. Customizes the invite URL format. Use the syntax: https://yourdomain/{0}?pwd={1}. Only available for v2.4.0+. Requires that Zoom sets the Enable Client SDK Customize Invite URL flag for your account. Contact Zoom Developer Support for details.

  • Optional isLockBottom?: boolean

    isLockBottom: default: true, optional. Shows or hides the footer.

  • Optional isShowJoiningErrorDialog?: boolean

    isShowJoiningErrorDialog: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the join error popup dialog when the SDK fails to join a meeting.

  • Optional isSupportAV?: boolean

    isSupportAV: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the audio and video features.

  • Optional isSupportBreakout?: boolean

    isSupportBreakout: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the meeting breakout room feature.

  • Optional isSupportCC?: boolean

    isSupportCC: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the meeting closed caption feature.

  • Optional isSupportChat?: boolean

    isSupportChat: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the chat feature.

  • Optional isSupportNonverbal?: boolean

    isSupportNonverbal: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the nonverbal feedback feature such as slow down or speed up icons. For more details about this feature, see: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115001286183-Nonverbal-feedback-and-meeting-reactions-

  • Optional isSupportPolling?: boolean

    isSupportPolling: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the meeting polling feature.

  • Optional isSupportQA?: boolean

    isSupportQA: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the webinar Q&A feature.

  • Optional isSupportSimulive?: boolean

    isSupportSimulive, default false, Simulive not with credentialless mode. https://developer.chrome.com/blog/coep-credentialless-origin-trial/

  • leaveUrl: string

    leaveUrl: Required. The URL to post after the user leaves the meeting. Example: “http://www.zoom.us” default not set leaveUrl, -> window.location.origin -> -> /meeting -> window.location.origin/meeting zoom.us -> https://zoom.us

  • Optional loginWindow?: { height: string; width: string }

    loginWindow: Defines the registration and login popup window size.

    • height: string

      height: default: 380, optional. Login popup window height, in pixels.

    • width: string

      width: default: 400, optional. Login popup window width, in pixels.

  • Optional meetingInfo?: MeetingInfoType[]

    meetingInfo: default: ['topic','host','mn','pwd','telPwd','invite','participant','dc', 'enctype', 'report'], optional. Choose the meeting information to display: the meeting topic, host, meeting number (mn), password (pwd), telephone password (telPwd), etc.

  • Optional onRetryCallback?: Function

    onRetryCallback: default: null, optional. Sets an on-retry callback function.

  • Optional patchJsMedia?: boolean

    patchJsMedia: Optional. Default: false. Set to true to automatically apply the latest media dependency fix for the current Web Meeting SDK version. Note that you will still need to manually upgrade to major and minor version releases.

  • Optional screenShare?: boolean

    screenShare: default: true, optional. Enables or disables the browser URL sharing feature (Chrome only).

  • Optional sharingMode?: string

    sharingMode: default: 'both', optional. Shares screen. 'fit' - disables sharing "origin size".

  • Optional showMeetingHeader?: boolean

    showMeetingHeader: default: true, optional. Shows or hides the meeting header, including the meeting number and topic.

  • Optional showPureSharingContent?: boolean

    showPureSharingContent, default: false, optional. Prevents elements from covering sharing content when show is true.

  • Optional success?: Function

    success: optional, callback function on success.

  • Optional videoDrag?: boolean

    videoDrag: default: true, optional. Enable or disable the drag video tile feature.

  • Optional videoHeader?: boolean

    videoHeader: default: true, optional. Shows or hides the video tile header.

  • Optional webEndpoint?: string

    webEndpoint: optional. Web domain option for Zoom PSO environment.


  • This method will be called when the “screen share” is clicked. Support for get screen share sources callback.

    Returns Promise<DesktopCapturerSource[]>

  • vbStatusDataFunc(data: { result: { blur: boolean; id: any; lock: boolean; mask: boolean; status: boolean; vb: boolean; vbList: VbImageInfoType[] } }): void
  • Virtual background (VB) status success callback


    • data: { result: { blur: boolean; id: any; lock: boolean; mask: boolean; status: boolean; vb: boolean; vbList: VbImageInfoType[] } }
      • result: { blur: boolean; id: any; lock: boolean; mask: boolean; status: boolean; vb: boolean; vbList: VbImageInfoType[] }


        • blur: boolean

          Enable a blurred background or not.

        • id: any

          The current user's VB ID.

        • lock: boolean

          Whether or not VB is locked.

        • mask: boolean

          True if the user selected mask, false if not.

        • status: boolean

          If true, the user can enable VB, mask, or blur through the UI and the developer can't call the following APIs to control it: updateVirtualBackgroundList setVirtualBackground lockVirtualBackground

        • vb: boolean

          True if the user selected VB, false if not.

        • vbList: VbImageInfoType[]

          vbList, name is VB image name, must be unique and identify different VB image

    Returns void

  • vbSupportDataFunc(data: { result: { enable: boolean; mask: boolean; vb: boolean } }): void
  • Support for virtual background (VB) callback


    • data: { result: { enable: boolean; mask: boolean; vb: boolean } }
      • result: { enable: boolean; mask: boolean; vb: boolean }


        • enable: boolean

          True if VB is enabled, false if not.

        • mask: boolean

          True if the user can support mask, false if not.

        • vb: boolean

          True if the user can support VB, false if not.

    Returns void