
Zoom Video SDK for React Native

In your React Native project, install the Video SDK:

$ npm install @zoom/react-native-videosdk --save

In the iOS and Android folders in your project, you will also need to install the iOS and Android Zoom Video SDKs, respectively.

In the component file where you want to use the Video SDK, import ZoomVideoSdkProvider, useZoom, and EventType.

import { ZoomVideoSdkProvider, useZoom,  EventType } from 'react-native-zoom-video-sdk';

Wrap your application with ZoomVideoSdkProvider and set the required configuration properties.

return (
appGroupId: '{Your Apple Group ID here}',
domain: 'zoom.us',
enableLog: true,
<RestOfTheApp />

Get the Video SDK instance.

const zoom = useZoom();

Generate an SDK JWT Token.

Then, join a session.

await zoom.joinSession({
sessionName: 'name of video session',
token: 'JWT goes here',
username: 'name of user',
audioOptions: {
connect: true,
mute: false,
videoOptions: {
localVideoOn: true,
videoOptions: {
localVideoOn: true,
sessionIdleTimeoutMins: 40,

Checkout the Zoom React Native Video SDK Sample App in the example directory.

Please visit Video SDK for React Native to learn how to use the SDK wrapper and run the sample application.

For the full list of APIs and Event Listeners, see the Reference.

If you're looking for help, try Developer Support or our Developer Forum. Priority support is also available with Premier Developer Support plans.

For the changelog, see Video SDK for React Native.

Use of this SDK is subject to our License and Terms of Use;

Some licenses for OSS contained in our products give you the right to access the source code under said license. You may obtain a copy of source code for the relevant OSS via the following link: https://zoom.us/opensource/source. Please obtain independent legal advice or counsel to determine your responsibility to make source code available under any specific OSS project.

Please see oss_attribution.txt for more information.

Copyright ©2022 Zoom Video Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.