Meeting SDK for iOS API Reference
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<MobileRTCVideoServiceDelegate> Protocol Reference

Callbacks related to updates to in-meeting video functionality for the current user's device and video status of other users. More...

#import <MobileRTCMeetingDelegate.h>

Inherits <MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate>.

Instance Methods

(void) - onSinkMeetingActiveVideo:
 The user being displayed in the active video view has changed.
(void) - onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange:
 A participant's video status has changed. To get their updated status, check MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo.videoStatus for the associated user. Valid for both normal user and webinar attendee.
(void) - onMyVideoStateChange
 The current user's video status has changed.
(void) - onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange:videoStatus:
 A participant's video status has changed.
(void) - onSpotlightVideoChange:
 The video status of a spotlit user has changed.
(void) - onSpotlightVideoUserChange:
 The list of spotlit users has changed.
(void) - onSinkMeetingPreviewStopped
 The SDK has stopped the current user's video preview.
(void) - onSinkMeetingActiveVideoForDeck:
 The active video user has changed.
(void) - onSinkMeetingVideoQualityChanged:userID:
 The video quality of a user has changed.
(void) - onSinkMeetingVideoRequestUnmuteByHost:
 The host has requested the current user to unmute their video.
(void) - onSinkMeetingShowMinimizeMeetingOrBackZoomUI:
 The meeting UI has been minimized or returned to fullscreen.
(void) - onHostVideoOrderUpdated:
 The order of users' videos in gallery view has been changed by the host.
(void) - onLocalVideoOrderUpdated:
 The order of users' videos in gallery view has been changed locally.
(void) - onFollowHostVideoOrderChanged:
 The host has enabled/disabled the "Follow Host's Video Order" setting.
- Instance Methods inherited from <MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate>
(void) - onMeetingError:message:
 An error has occurred.
(void) - onMeetingStateChange:
 Notify the user that the meeting state has changed.
(void) - onMeetingParameterNotification:
 The meeting parameters have been updated.
(void) - onJoinMeetingConfirmed
 The meeting has been joined successfully.
(void) - onMeetingReady
 The meeting is ready.
(void) - onJBHWaitingWithCmd:
 Join a meeting without a host. You can show or hide the custom JBH waiting UI.
(void) - onCheckCMRPrivilege:
 Determine if the current user has cloud recording privileges.
(void) - onRecordingStatus:
 The cloud recording status has changed.
(void) - onLocalRecordingStatus:status:
 The local recording status has changed.
(void) - onMeetingEndedReason:
 The meeting has ended.
(void) - onNoHostMeetingWillTerminate:
 The meeting does not have a host and ends.
(void) - onMicrophoneStatusError:
 The user's microphone has encountered an error.
(void) - onJoinMeetingInfo:completion:
 The user must provide additional information before joining the meeting.
(void) - onProxyAuth:port:completion:
 The user must provide proxy information.
(void) - onAskToEndOtherMeeting:
 The user needs to end another ongoing meeting.
(void) - onMicrophoneNoPrivilege
 Microphone access permission was denied.
(void) - onCameraNoPrivilege
 Camera access permission was denied.
(void) - onUpgradeFreeMeetingResult:
 The result of a free meeting upgrade attempt has been received.
(void) - onFreeMeetingNeedToUpgrade:giftUpgradeURL:
 The free meeting needs an upgrade.
(void) - onFreeMeetingUpgradeToGiftFreeTrialStart
 The free meeting was upgraded to a free trial and has started.
(void) - onFreeMeetingUpgradeToGiftFreeTrialStop
 The free meeting which was upgraded to a free trial has stopped.
(void) - onFreeMeetingUpgradedToProMeeting
 The meeting has been upgraded to a pro (licensed) meeting.
(BOOL) - onClickedInviteButton:addInviteActionItem:
 The invite button in the UI has been clicked.
(BOOL) - onClickedAudioButton:
 The audio button in the UI has been clicked.
(BOOL) - onClickedParticipantsButton:
 The participants button has been clicked.
(BOOL) - onClickedShareButton:addShareActionItem:
 The share button has been clicked.
(BOOL) - onClickedEndButton:endButton:
 The meeting end button has been clicked.
(BOOL) - onCheckIfMeetingVoIPCallRunning
 Check if the meeting VoIP call is running. It affects the picture-in-picture function in ZoomUI if videoCallPictureInPictureEnabled returns YES of MobileRTCMeetingSettings.
(void) - onOngoingShareStopped
 All active shares have stopped.
(void) - onClickedDialOut:isCallMe:
 The dial out button has been clicked.
(void) - onDialOutStatusChanged:
 The status of an outgoing call has changed.
(void) - onSendPairingCodeStateChanged:MeetingNumber:
 The H.323 pairing code status has been updated and may require the end user to input their code.
(void) - onCallRoomDeviceStateChanged:
 The room device state changed.
(void) - onInMeetingChat:
 An in-meeting chat message has been received.
(void) - onChatMessageNotification:
 An in-meeting chat message has been received.
(void) - onChatMsgDeleteNotification:deleteBy:
 A chat message has been deleted.
(void) - onLiveStreamStatusChange:
 The live stream status has changed.
(void) - onRawLiveStreamPrivilegeChanged:
 The current user’s raw live streaming privilege has changed.
(void) - onRawLiveStreamPrivilegeRequestTimeout
 The current user's request for raw live streaming privilege has timed out with no response.
(void) - onUserRawLiveStreamPrivilegeChanged:hasPrivilege:
 Another user’s raw live streaming privilege has changed.
(void) - onRawLiveStreamPrivilegeRequested:
 A user has requested raw live streaming privilege.
(void) - onUserRawLiveStreamingStatusChanged:
 A user has starte or stopped raw live streaming.
(void) - onZoomIdentityExpired
 The ZAK used to authorize the SDK has expired.
(void) - onClickShareScreen:
 The user has clicked the shared screen.
(void) - onClosedCaptionReceived:speakerId:msgTime:
 A closed caption message has been received. If the meeting supports multi-language transcription and the host set manual captioning to true, attendees must set translation language id to -1 to receive closed caption messages.
(void) - onWaitingRoomStatusChange:
 The waiting room status has changed.
(void) - onWaitingRoomEntranceEnabled:
 This callback event will be triggered when host or cohost enables or disables waiting room entrance.
(void) - onSinkAttendeeChatPriviledgeChanged:
 The chat privilege of attendees has changed.
(void) - onSinkPanelistChatPrivilegeChanged:
 The chat privilege of panelists has changed.
(void) - onSubscribeUserFail:size:userId:
 The subscription to a user's video has failed.
(void) - onRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeReceived:
 Callback when host received the local recording request from participant.
(void) - onSuspendParticipantsActivities
(void) - onAllowParticipantsStartVideoNotification:
(void) - onAllowParticipantsRenameNotification:
(void) - onAllowParticipantsUnmuteSelfNotification:
(void) - onAllowParticipantsShareWhiteBoardNotification:
(void) - onAllowParticipantsShareStatusNotification:
(void) - onMeetingLockStatus:
(void) - onRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeChanged:
 Callback event that the request local recording privilege changes.
(void) - onParticipantProfilePictureStatusChange:
 Sink the event that participant profile status change.
(void) - onSmartSummaryStatusChange:
 Callback event when smart summary status changes.
(void) - onSmartSummaryPrivilegeRequested:handler:
 Callback event when a user requests the host to start smart summary.
(void) - onSmartSummaryStartReqResponse:decline:
 Callback event when the host handle the smart summary request.
(void) - onAICompanionActiveChangeNotice:
 Sink the event that AI Companion active status changed.

Detailed Description

Callbacks related to updates to in-meeting video functionality for the current user's device and video status of other users.

Definition at line 504 of file MobileRTCMeetingDelegate.h.

Method Documentation

◆ onFollowHostVideoOrderChanged:

- (void) onFollowHostVideoOrderChanged: (BOOL)  follow

The host has enabled/disabled the "Follow Host's Video Order" setting.

followIf yes, the host has enabled the setting. Otherwise, it was disabled.

◆ onHostVideoOrderUpdated:

- (void) onHostVideoOrderUpdated: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *_Nullable)  orderArr

The order of users' videos in gallery view has been changed by the host.

orderArrThe updated order of user videos.
This callback is only invoked if the host has enabled the "Follow Host's Video Order" setting.

◆ onLocalVideoOrderUpdated:

- (void) onLocalVideoOrderUpdated: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *_Nullable)  localOrderArr

The order of users' videos in gallery view has been changed locally.

localOrderArrThe updated order of user videos.

◆ onMyVideoStateChange

- (void) onMyVideoStateChange

The current user's video status has changed.

◆ onSinkMeetingActiveVideo:

- (void) onSinkMeetingActiveVideo: (NSUInteger)  userID

The user being displayed in the active video view has changed.

userIDThe ID of user whose video is being displayed.

◆ onSinkMeetingActiveVideoForDeck:

- (void) onSinkMeetingActiveVideoForDeck: (NSUInteger)  userID

The active video user has changed.

userIDThe ID of the newly displayed user.

◆ onSinkMeetingPreviewStopped

- (void) onSinkMeetingPreviewStopped

The SDK has stopped the current user's video preview.

When this is invoked, any instances of MobileRTCPreviewVideoView no longer render video and should be removed.

◆ onSinkMeetingShowMinimizeMeetingOrBackZoomUI:

- (void) onSinkMeetingShowMinimizeMeetingOrBackZoomUI: (MobileRTCMinimizeMeetingState state

The meeting UI has been minimized or returned to fullscreen.

stateThe new state of the meeting UI.
This callback is only compatible with the default meeting UI. It is invoked if you are using a custom meeting UI

◆ onSinkMeetingVideoQualityChanged:userID:

- (void) onSinkMeetingVideoQualityChanged: (MobileRTCVideoQuality qality
userID: (NSUInteger)  userID 

The video quality of a user has changed.

qalityThe user's new video quality. See MobileRTCVideoQuality.
userIDThe ID of the user whose video quality has changed.

◆ onSinkMeetingVideoRequestUnmuteByHost:

- (void) onSinkMeetingVideoRequestUnmuteByHost: (void(^)(BOOL Accept))  completion

The host has requested the current user to unmute their video.

◆ onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange:

- (void) onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange: (NSUInteger)  userID

A participant's video status has changed. To get their updated status, check MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo.videoStatus for the associated user. Valid for both normal user and webinar attendee.

userIDThe ID of the user whose video status has changed.

◆ onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange:videoStatus:

- (void) onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange: (NSUInteger)  userID
videoStatus: (MobileRTC_VideoStatus videoStatus 

A participant's video status has changed.

userIDThe ID of the user whose video status has changed.
videoStatusThe new video status of the user.

◆ onSpotlightVideoChange:

- (void) onSpotlightVideoChange: (BOOL)  on

The video status of a spotlit user has changed.

onWhether the user's video was turned on.

◆ onSpotlightVideoUserChange:

- (void) onSpotlightVideoUserChange: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *_Nullable)  spotlightedUserList

The list of spotlit users has changed.

spotlightedUserListThe users who are currently spotlit.