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accept() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Instance to accept the invitation, join meeting and finally self-destroy.
accept() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController.ISmartSummaryPrivilegeHandler
Agree the start smart summary request.
accept() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderHandler
accept the reminder.
AccountService - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Account Information Service for current logged-in User.
ACTION_RETURN_TO_CONF - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingNotificationHandle
ACTION_TYPE_NEED_SIGN_IN - us.zoom.sdk.ActionType
Need to sign in.
Need to switch account.
ACTION_TYPE_NONE - us.zoom.sdk.ActionType
Need no more action.
ActionType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
ACTIVE_SPEAKER - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
activeShareUserID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
the share user id should be got from {#InMeetingShareController.InMeetingShareListener.onSharingStatus(SharingStatus, long)}. Get the ID of active presenter in meeting.
activeVideoUserID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Get the ID of user whose video is active in the meeting.
addActiveVideoUnit(MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Add an active video unit to the MobileRTCVideoView.
addAttendeeVideoUnit(long, MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Add the specified attendee's video unit to the MobileRTCVideoView.
addAuthenticationListener(ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Register a listener for the callback events of user authentication.
addBGImage(Bitmap) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVirtualBackgroundController
add and use the image for virtual background.
addDialOutListener(DialOutStatusListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
addEventListener(InviteRoomSystemListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper
Register a listener for invitation room system.
addInterpreter(long, int, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Add a interpreter
addListener(ICustomizedVideoSink) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Add listener to receive callback
addListener(InMeetingAnnotationController.InMeetingAnnotationListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Register a listener for meeting shared callback event.
addListener(InMeetingBOControllerListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Register a listener for breakout room events.
addListener(InMeetingCloudRecordController.InMeetingCloudRecordingListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Register a listener for cloud recording.
addListener(InMeetingEncryptionController.InMeetingEncryptionControllerListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController
Register a listener for meeting encryption callback.
addListener(InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Register a listener for live streaming.
addListener(InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Register a listener to listen for the callback of live transcription event.
addListener(InMeetingRemoteController.InMeetingRemoteControlListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Register a listener for remote control event.
addListener(InMeetingServiceListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Register a listener for in-meeting events.
addListener(InMeetingShareController.InMeetingShareListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Register a listener for meeting shared callback event.
addListener(InMeetingSmartSummaryController.InMeetingSmartSummaryListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Register a listener for smart summary.
addListener(InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Register a listener for meeting waiting room callback.
addListener(InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Register a listener to listen for the callback of webinar event.
addListener(MeetingServiceListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Register a listener for meeting service.
addListener(PhoneHelperListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
add phone helper listener
addListener(SmsListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsService
addNetworkConnectionListener(NetworkConnectionListener) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Register a listener to receive the NetworkConnectionHandler.
addPolling() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Open create polling in a web browser.
addPreviewVideoUnit(MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Add video preview unit to the MobileRTCVideoView.
addQAListener(InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Register a listener defined in InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener for QA event.
addQuestion(String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Add Question.
addRef() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
addRef() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
addShareVideoUnit(long, MobileRTCRenderInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Add a shared video unit to the MobileRTCVideoView.
addSignInterpreter(long, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Add someone as a sign interpreter.
addStarContact(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
admitAllToMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Permit all of the users currently in the waiting room to join the meeting.
admitToMeeting(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Allow user to join the meeting.
afterMeetingMinimized(Activity) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
afterMeetingMinimized(Activity) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
Callback that the user can handle after the meeting minimized.
All_Panelists - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarChatPriviledge
All_Panelists_And_Attendees - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarChatPriviledge
allowAttendeeChat(InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarChatPriviledge) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Only webinar host/co-host can run the function
allowAttendeeRaiseHand() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
The attendees can raise their hands.
allowAttendeeTalk(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Allow attendee to talk.
allowAttendeeViewTheParticipantCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
The attendee is permitted to view the participant count.
allowPanelistStartVideo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Allow panelist to start video.
allowParticipantsToRename(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Allow participant to rename self
allowParticipantsToRequestCloudRecording(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Toggle whether attendees can send requests for the host to start a cloud recording.
allowParticipantsToRequestLocalRecording(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Allow participant to request local recording
allowParticipantsToShareWhiteBoard(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Allow participant to share white board
allowParticipantsToStartVideo(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Allow participant to start video
allowParticipantsToUnmuteSelf(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Allow participant to unmute self
allowWebinarEmojiReaction() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Permitted to use emoji reactions.
Alternativehost - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Alternative host user information.
Alternativehost() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Alternativehost(String) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Alternative host's information.
Alternativehost(String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Alternative host's information.
amILiveAnswering() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query myself is the live answer.
ANNO_TOOL_NONE_DRAWING - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType
Switch to mouse cursor.
ANNO_TOOL_TYPE_AUTO_ARROW2 - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType
An arrow.
ANNO_TOOL_TYPE_ERASER - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType
An eraser.
ANNO_TOOL_TYPE_HIGHLIGHTER - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType
ANNO_TOOL_TYPE_PEN - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType
ANNO_TOOL_TYPE_SPOTLIGHT - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType
Laser pointer.
answerQuestionPrivate(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Answer question in private.
answerQuestionPublic(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Answer question in public.
ANTIBANDING_50HZ - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
ANTIBANDING_60HZ - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
ANTIBANDING_AUTO - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
ANTIBANDING_OFF - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
ANYONE_GRAB - us.zoom.sdk.ShareSettingType
Anyone can share, but one sharing only at one moment, and anyone can grab other's sharing
appLocal - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
App locale.
appPrivilegeToken - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
App privilege token
askAttendeeStartVideo(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Host can use the function to ask the user to start video.
aspect_mode - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
Set video unit aspect mode defined in MobileRTCVideoUnitAspectMode class.
assignCCPrivilege(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Assign the user privilege to send closed caption.
assignCohost(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Assign a user as co-host in meeting.
assignNewUserToRunningBO(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
assignUserToBO(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
ATTACHED - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.UVCCameraStatus
The state when UVC camera is inserted
Audio_Muted - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
Audio_Muted_ByHost - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
Audio_MutedAll_ByHost - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
Audio_None - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
AUDIO_SOURCE_BLUETOOTH - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.AudioSourceType
The audio source of meeting is blue-tooth.
AUDIO_SOURCE_EAR_PHONE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.AudioSourceType
The audio source of meeting is earphone.
AUDIO_SOURCE_NONE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.AudioSourceType
For initiation.
AUDIO_SOURCE_SPEAKER_PHONE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.AudioSourceType
The audio source of meeting is phone speaker.
AUDIO_SOURCE_WIRED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.AudioSourceType
The audio source of meeting is wired.
Audio_Type_None - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
No audio.
AUDIO_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSupportAudioType
Audio_Type_Telephony - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
The audio type in the meeting is telephony.
AUDIO_TYPE_TELEPHONY - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AudioType
AUDIO_TYPE_TELEPHONY - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSupportAudioType
AUDIO_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY_AUDIO - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AudioType
The third party audio.
Audio_Type_VoIP - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
The audio type in the meeting is VoIP.
AUDIO_TYPE_VOIP - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AudioType
AUDIO_TYPE_VOIP - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSupportAudioType
AUDIO_TYPE_VOIP_AND_TELEPHONEY - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AudioType
VoIP and telephone.
Audio_UnMuted - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
Audio_UnMuted_ByHost - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
Audio_UnMutedAll_ByHost - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
AudioFocusGainType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
AudioFocusGainType_AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN - us.zoom.sdk.AudioFocusGainType
AudioFocusGainType_AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT - us.zoom.sdk.AudioFocusGainType
AudioFocusGainType_NONE - us.zoom.sdk.AudioFocusGainType
Use zoom default audio focus gain type
audioRawDataMemoryMode - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
AudioSourceType - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting Audio Source Types.
autoAllowLocalRecordingRequest(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Allow participant to request local recording
AutoFramingMode - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
AutoFramingMode_center_coordinates - us.zoom.sdk.AutoFramingMode
use the video frame’s center point as the center to zoom -in.
AutoFramingMode_face_recognition - us.zoom.sdk.AutoFramingMode
use the detected face in the video frame as the center to zoom-in.
AutoFramingMode_none - us.zoom.sdk.AutoFramingMode
no auto framing
AutoFramingParameter - Class in us.zoom.sdk
AutoFramingParameter() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.AutoFramingParameter
AutoRecordType_CloudRecord - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AutoRecordType
Record meeting on loud.
AutoRecordType_Disabled - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AutoRecordType
It is disabled to record automatically in the meeting.
AutoRecordType_LocalRecord - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AutoRecordType
Record meeting on local device.
autoRetryVerifyApp - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
If it is TRUE, Zoom SDK will retry to call verifyApp automatically.


backgroud_color - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
Set the background color of video unit.
beforeGLContextDestroyed() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
BO_CTRL_USER_STATUS_IN_BO - us.zoom.sdk.BOCtrlUserStatus
BO_CTRL_USER_STATUS_UNKNOWN - us.zoom.sdk.BOCtrlUserStatus
BOControllerError - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
BOControllerError_BO_LIST_IS_UPLOADING - us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
BOControllerError_NO_ONE_HAS_BEEN_ASSIGNED - us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
BOControllerError_NO_PRIVILEGE - us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
BOControllerError_NULL_POINTER - us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
BOControllerError_TOKEN_NOT_READY - us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
BOControllerError_UNKNOWN - us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
BOControllerError_UPLOAD_FAIL - us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
BOControllerError_WRONG_CURRENT_STATUS - us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
BOCtrlUserStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
BOOption - Class in us.zoom.sdk
BO option
BOOption() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
border_color - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
video border on video unit.
border_width - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
video border width.default 2px
BOStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
enum for BO status
BOStopCountdown - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
broadcastMessage(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
build() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageBuilder
build chat message entity.
BY_ADMIN - us.zoom.sdk.FreeMeetingNeedUpgradeType
BY_GIFTURL - us.zoom.sdk.FreeMeetingNeedUpgradeType


CallInNumberType_NONE - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInNumberType
For initialization
CallInNumberType_TOLL - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInNumberType
CallInNumberType_TOLLFREE - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInNumberType
callMe(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Invite myself to join audio to the meeting by phone.
callOutRoomSystem(RoomSystemDevice) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper
Outgoing call from room system.
CallOutRoomSystem_Busy - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
CallOutRoomSystem_Decline - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
CallOutRoomSystem_Failed - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
Call failed.
CallOutRoomSystem_Failed - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
CallOutRoomSystem_Ring - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
CallOutRoomSystem_Ring - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
CallOutRoomSystem_Success - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
Call out successfully.
CallOutRoomSystem_Success - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
CallOutRoomSystem_Timeout - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
Call out timeout.
CallOutRoomSystem_Timeout - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
CallOutRoomSystem_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
Unknown error.
CallOutRoomSystem_Unknown - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
CallOutRoomSystemStatus - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Call out room system status
CAMERA_TYPE_BACK - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.CameraDevice
Back camera device type.
CAMERA_TYPE_FRONT - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.CameraDevice
Front camera device type.
CAMERA_TYPE_UVC - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.CameraDevice
UVC camera device type.
CameraDevice - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Camera device class.
CameraDevice(String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.CameraDevice
Camera device information.
canAddPolling() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the host can add polling.
canAddRef() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
canAddRef() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
canAssignOthersToSendCC() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Query if the current user can assign the privilege of send closed caption to others.
canBeAssignedToSendCC(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Query if the user is can be assigned to send closed caption.
canbeCohost(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the user can be assigned as co-host in meeting.
canBroadcastVoiceToBO() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Query if host now has the ability to broadcast voice to BO.
cancel() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareViaMeetingIDOrPairingCodeHandler
Delete the present direct sharing.
cancel() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEventHandler
Cancel to join webinar.
cancel() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ProxySettingHandler
Cancel to input the username and password of the proxy.
cancel() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SSLCertVerificationHandler
The SSL certificate is not trusted.
cancelAndLeaveMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomRetrieveSMSVerificationCodeHandler
cancelAndLeaveMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomVerifySMSVerificationCodeHandler
cancelCallOutRoomSystem() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper
Cancel the outgoing call from room system.
cancelCallOutUser() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Cancel the invitation that is being called out by phone.
cancelDialOut(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
CANCELED - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.UVCCameraStatus
UVC camera is canceled
cancelEmojiFeedback() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionController
Cancel the emoji feedback.
canDeletePolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the host can delete polling.
canDisableCaptions() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Query if the user can disable captions.
canDisableViewerAnnotation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Query if support to disable viewer's annotation item.
canDoAnnotation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Query can do annotation or not.
canDoPolling() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine whether the current meeting can do the polling.
canDownloadResult() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the host can download poll's result from browser.
canDuplicatePolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the host can duplicate polling.
canEditPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the host can edit polling.
canEnableAlphaChannelMode() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Determine if alpha channel mode can be enabled.
canEnableParticipantRequestCloudRecording() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Determine if the current user can enable participant request cloud recording.
canExpelUser() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Determine if a host or cohost can expel user(s) in the waiting room.
canGetRightAnswerItemList(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the right answer item list can be allowed to get.
canHideParticipantProfilePictures() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current user can hide participant profile pictures.
CannotShareReasonType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
CannotShareReasonType_Disabled - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Sharing is disabled.
CannotShareReasonType_Have_Share_From_Mainsession - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Other share screen in main session.
CannotShareReasonType_Locked - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Only host can share.
CannotShareReasonType_Need_Grab_Audio_Sharing - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Another is sharing pure computer audio, can grab.
CannotShareReasonType_Need_Grab_Myself_Screen_Sharing - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
The user is sharing their screen, can grab.
CannotShareReasonType_Need_Grab_Other_Screen_Sharing - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Another is sharing their screen, can grab.
CannotShareReasonType_Need_Grap_WB_Sharing - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Other or myself is sharing whiteboard, can grab.
CannotShareReasonType_None - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
indicates you can start share.
CannotShareReasonType_Other_Screen_Sharing - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Another participant is sharing their screen.
CannotShareReasonType_Other_WB_Sharing - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Another participant is sharing their whiteboard.
CannotShareReasonType_Reach_Maximum - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
The meeting has reached the maximum allowed screen share sessions.
CannotShareReasonType_UnKnown - us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
can not start share for unknown reason.
canReclaimHost() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Call this interface to check whether the user can reclaim host
canRenameUser() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Determine if the host or cohost can rename users in the waiting room.
canRequestStartSmartSummary() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Whether the current user can request the host to start the smart summary for the current meeting.
canRestartPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the host or co-host can restart the polling.
canSharePollingResult(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the host or co-host can share the poll's result.
canShowAnswerResultList(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the answer result list can be show.
canSignLanguageInterpreterTalk(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Determine if the sign language interpreter was allowed to talk.
canStartBO() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
canStartDirectShare() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareServiceHelper
canStartLiveTranscription() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Query if meeting participants can start live transcription.
canStartPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the host or co-host can start the polling.
canStartRawLiveStream() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Whether the current user is able to start raw live streaming.
canStartShare() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Determine whether the current meeting can start sharing.
canStartShareWhiteboard() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Determine whether the current meeting can start sharing the whiteboard.
canStartSignInterpretation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Determine if I can start the sign interpretation in the meeting.
canStartSmartSummary() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Whether the current user is able to start smart summary.
canSubmitPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the attendee can submit the polling.
canSuspendParticipantsActivities() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query is allow to suspend meeting
canSwitchAudioOutput() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Query if it is able to switch audio output source of the current meeting.
canSwitchCamera() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Query if it is able to switch camera.
canUnmuteMyAudio() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Query if the user can unmute the audio himself.
canUnmuteMyVideo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Query if user is able to unmute himself.
canViewPollingResultFromBrowser(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the user can view polling result from browser..
changeAttendeeChatPriviledge(InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Only meeting host/co-host can run the function
changeName(String, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Rename users in meeting.
ChatMessageBuilder - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Chat message builder to create InMeetingChatMessage objects.
ChatMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageBuilder
ChatMessageDeleteType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Enumerations of the chat message delete type.
ChatPrivilege_All - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarPanelistChatPrivilege
ChatPrivilege_AllPanelist - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarPanelistChatPrivilege
ChatPrivilege_Invalid - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarPanelistChatPrivilege
claimHostWithHostKey(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Set to claim to be a host by host key.
Clap - us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
clear() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Clear annotations.
CLOUD_DOCUMENT_UI - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
commentQuestion(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Attendee answer Question.
configDSCP(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Configure DSCP(Differentiated Services Code Point) values.
connectAudioWithVoIP() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Connect audio with VoIP while joining a meeting.
CONNECTED - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.UVCCameraStatus
UVC camera is connected, you can switch to this camera at this time.
corner_radius - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
Video render round corner radius.
countdown - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
Set the countdown after closing breakout room.
COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_10 - us.zoom.sdk.BOStopCountdown
COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_120 - us.zoom.sdk.BOStopCountdown
COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_15 - us.zoom.sdk.BOStopCountdown
COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_30 - us.zoom.sdk.BOStopCountdown
COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_60 - us.zoom.sdk.BOStopCountdown
createBO(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
createGroupBO(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
Batch create BO rooms.
createWebinarBo(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
custom_meeting_id - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Set to change meeting ID displayed on meeting view title.
customer_key - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Participant ID.
CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize - Class in us.zoom.sdk
CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize
CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize
Create a new size of the minimized meeting view with the specified coordinates.
CustomizedNotificationData - Class in us.zoom.sdk
CustomizedNotificationData() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
CustomizedNotificationData(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus_Download_Failed - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus
CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus_Download_OK - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus
CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus_Downloading - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus
CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus_Init - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus


Dark - us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
decline() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Instance to decline the invitation, decline and finally self-destroy.
decline() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController.ISmartSummaryPrivilegeHandler
Decline the start smart summary request.
decline() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderHandler
decline the reminder.
Default - us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
deleteAnswer(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Delete answer by id
deleteChatMessage(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Delete chat message by message id.
deletePolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Delete the polling.
deleteQuestion(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Delete question by id
deny(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.IRequestStartCloudRecordingHandler
Deny the request to start cloud recording.
denyLocalRecordingPrivilege() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeHandler
Denies the user permission to start local recording and finally self-destroy.
denyRawLiveStreamPrivilege() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler
Denies the user permissionto to start raw live stream and finally self-destroy.
depromptPanelist2Attendee(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Demote the panelist to attendee.
DETACHED - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.UVCCameraStatus
The state when the uvc camera is pulled out
DIALOUT_STATUS_ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
The call is accepted by the receiver.
DIALOUT_STATUS_BLOCK_HIGH_RATE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
The call-out is blocked by the system due to the high cost.
DIALOUT_STATUS_BLOCK_NO_HOST - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Disable the function of international outgoing call before the host joins the meeting.
DIALOUT_STATUS_BLOCK_TOO_FREQUENT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
All the invitees invited by the call should press the button one(1) to join the meeting.
DIALOUT_STATUS_BUSY - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
The telephone service is busy.
DIALOUT_STATUS_CALLING - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Calling in process.
DIALOUT_STATUS_JOIN_SUC - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Join meeting successfully.
DIALOUT_STATUS_NO_ANSWER - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
The call is not answered.
DIALOUT_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
The telephone is out of service.
DIALOUT_STATUS_OTHER_FAIL - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Other reasons.
DIALOUT_STATUS_RINGING - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Ringing in process.
DIALOUT_STATUS_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Outgoing call timeout.
DIALOUT_STATUS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Unknown outgoing call status.
DIALOUT_STATUS_USER_HANGUP - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
The phone is hung up.
DIALOUT_STATUS_ZOOM_CALL_CANCELED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
The outgoing call is canceled.
DIALOUT_STATUS_ZOOM_CANCEL_CALL_FAIL - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Failed to cancel outgoing call.
DIALOUT_STATUS_ZOOM_START_CANCEL_CALL - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatus
Start to cancel outgoing call.
DialOutStatus - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Outgoing call status.
DialOutStatusListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Listening for outgoing call result.
dialOutUser(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
DirectShare_Connecting - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_Ended - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_In_Direct_Share_Mode - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_Need_Input_New_ParingCode - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_Need_MeetingID_Or_PairingCode - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_NetWork_Error - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_Other_Error - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_Prepared - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShare_WrongMeetingID_Or_SharingKey - us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
DirectShareStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
disableAutoShowSelectJoinAudioDlgWhenJoinMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set the visibility of the dialog SELECT JOIN AUDIO when joining meeting.
disableChatUI(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Disable chat ui for zoom ui.
disableClearWebKitCache(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Disable the action of clear WebView's cache.
disableConfidentialWatermark(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Disable use confidential watermark
disableCopyMeetingUrl(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Disable use copy url for long press zoom ui meeting title bar.
disableFreeMeetingNeedAdminUpgradeTips(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Disable free meeting upgrade tips for zoom ui.
disableLeaveMeetingWhenTaskRemoved(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Disable/Enable leave meeting when service onTaskRemoved called.
disablePIPMode(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Disable PIP mode feature.
disableShowMeetingNotification(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set if it is disabled to SHOW MEETING NOTIFICATION.
disableShowVideoPreviewWhenJoinMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Disable/Enable the video preview dialog when joining a video meeting Note: this api must be called before joining a video meeting to take effect
disableVideoAutoFraming() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Stop video auto-framing.
disableViewerAnnotation(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
disable viewer's annotation.
disallowAttendeeRaiseHand() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Do not let the attendee to raise their hand.
disAllowAttendeeTalk(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Disallow attendee to talk.
disallowAttendeeViewTheParticipantCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Forbid the attendee to view the participant count.
disallowPanelistStartVideo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Disallow panelist to start video.
disallowWebinarEmojiReaction() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Forbid to use emoji reactions.
disconnectAudio() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Disconnect the audio.
dismissQuestion(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Dismiss question Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.
displayName - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
User's screen name in the meeting.
displayName - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin
User's screen name in the meeting
domain - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
ZOOM domain name.
downLoadResult() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Download all stopped poll's result from browser.
DRIVER - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
duplicatePolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Duplicate the polling.


E2EE - us.zoom.sdk.EncryptionType
EDIT - us.zoom.sdk.BOStatus
BO is editing
editPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Open edit polling in a web browser.
enable3DAvatarEffectForAllMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext
Enable or disable 3D avatar effect when join meeting
enable720p(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set to enable 720p, it is only supported in device with at least 4 gold cores Suggest : CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 above
enableAlphaChannelMode(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Enable or disable alpha channel mode.
enableAnonymousQuestion(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Set if it is enabled to ask questions anonymously.
enableAskQuestion(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Set attendee can ask question.
enableAttendeeViewAllQuestion(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Allow attendee to view all question.
enableAutoAdjustMicVolume(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
enableAutoRegisterNotificationServiceForLogin(boolean) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Enable or disable auto register notification service.
enableBroadcastVoiceToBO(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
start/stop broadcasting voice to BO.
enableCaptions(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Enable or disable captions.
enableCloudWhiteboard(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Enable or disable the new Zoom Whiteboard feature (different from Classic Whiteboard).
enableEchoCancellation(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Enable echo cancellation.
enableForceAutoStartMyVideoWhenJoinMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set if it is able to force participants to start video when joining the meeting.
enableForceAutoStopMyVideoWhenJoinMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set if it is able to force participants to turn off video when joining the meeting.
enableGalleryMode - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
Set attendee render to use gallery mode.
enableGenerateDump - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
Enable/Disable sdk catch crash.
enableGetRightAnswerList(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Set to enable show right answer to participants when share quiz's result.
enableGrabShareWithoutReminder(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to close the current sharing of another user without prompt and directly beginning a new sharing content by the closer.
enableGreenBorderForShareScreen(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
enable or disable showing the green border when screen sharing.
enableHideSelfView(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Enable or disable to hide the userself's view in gallery view.
enableJavaScriptForShareWebView(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Enable webView javascript for share url.
enableLog - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
Enable/Disable the default debug log.
enableMeetingManualCaption(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Enable or disable manual captions for the meeting.
enableMeetingQAFeature(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Set to enable/disable meeting QA.
enableMicOriginalInput(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Disable/Enable mic original input.
enableMinimizeMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Enable minimize meeting feature.
enableMirrorEffect(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Enable or disable video mirror effect
enableParticipantsCreateWithoutHost(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Enable the participants create new whiteboard without host in the meeting.
enableQAComment(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Allow attendee to answer question.
enableQAVoteup(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Allow attendee to submit questions.
enableReceiveSpokenLanguageContent(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Enable or disable to receive original and translated content.If enable this feature,you need start live transcription.
enableRequestLiveTranscription(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Enable or disable the ability for attendees to request live transcriptions.
enableShowMyMeetingElapseTime(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Enable show meeting elapse time
enableUseConnectionService(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Determine if use connection service
enableVideoAutoFraming(AutoFramingMode, AutoFramingParameter) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Enable my video auto-framing.
enableWaitingRoomOnEntry(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Enable the feature to put attendees in waiting room when they enter the current meeting.
enableZoomAuthRealNameMeetingUIShown(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsService
EncryptionType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
END_BY_HOST - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEndReason
Host ends the meeting.
END_BY_HOST_START_ANOTHERMEETING - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEndReason
Meeting ends by the host for he will start another meeting.
END_BY_SDK_CONNECTION_BROKEN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEndReason
Meeting ends for SDK disconnects.
END_BY_SELF - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEndReason
User leaves meeting.
END_FOR_FREEMEET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEndReason
Meeting ends when the free service is over.
END_FOR_JBHTIMEOUT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEndReason
Join the meeting before host (JBH) timeout.
END_FOR_NOATEENDEE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEndReason
Meeting ends for there is no attendee comes in.
ENDED - us.zoom.sdk.BOStatus
BO is ended
endLiving(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
End answer question living.
endOtherMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEventHandler
End another ongoing meeting on the server to join a new meeting.
Enhanced - us.zoom.sdk.EncryptionType
EnumComponentType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Component types.
EnumComponentType_AS - us.zoom.sdk.EnumComponentType
Share application.
EnumComponentType_AUDIO - us.zoom.sdk.EnumComponentType
EnumComponentType_Chat - us.zoom.sdk.EnumComponentType
EnumComponentType_Def - us.zoom.sdk.EnumComponentType
Custom component.
EnumComponentType_FT - us.zoom.sdk.EnumComponentType
File transfer.
EnumComponentType_VIDEO - us.zoom.sdk.EnumComponentType
Every2Weeks - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.RepeatType
Recurring biweekly.
EveryDay - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.RepeatType
Recurring daily.
EveryMonth - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.RepeatType
Recurring monthly.
Everyone_Publicly - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge
Everyone_Publicly_And_Privately - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge
EveryWeek - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.RepeatType
Recurring weekly.
EveryYear - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.RepeatType
Recurring annually.
expelUser(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Remove a specified user from the waiting room.
ExternalSourceDataFormat - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
ExternalSourceDataFormat_I420_FULL - us.zoom.sdk.ExternalSourceDataFormat
ExternalSourceDataFormat_I420_LIMITED - us.zoom.sdk.ExternalSourceDataFormat


FaceRecognitionFailStrategy - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
FaceRecognitionFailStrategy_none - us.zoom.sdk.FaceRecognitionFailStrategy
use of the fail strategy
FaceRecognitionFailStrategy_remain - us.zoom.sdk.FaceRecognitionFailStrategy
After face recognition fails, do nothing until face recognition succeed again.
FaceRecognitionFailStrategy_using_center_coordinates - us.zoom.sdk.FaceRecognitionFailStrategy
/After face recognition fails, use the video frame’s center point as the center for zoom -in.
FaceRecognitionFailStrategy_using_original_video - us.zoom.sdk.FaceRecognitionFailStrategy
After face recognition fails, use original video.
fail_Strategy - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.AutoFramingParameter
Only mode is AutoFramingMode_face_recognition, the param is valid
FORMAT_TYPE_I420 - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
FreeMeetingNeedUpgradeType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
fromValue(int) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoResolution


GALLERY - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
generateSSOLoginURL(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get SSO login url By the domain prefix
get3DAvatarImageList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext
Get the list of the video filter images.
get3DAvatarSettings() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get 3D avatar settings interface.
getAccountEmail() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Get the account email of the current logged-in user.
getAccountName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Get the username of the current logged-in user.
getAccountOwnerUrl() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent
This Formatted parameter are used to replace the account owner url parameters in formatted html content WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent.getFormattedHtmlContent()
getAccountService() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get account service instance.
getAction() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ICustomShareOptionItem
Return callback when share option item is clicked
getAction() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteMenuItem
getAction() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem
getActionType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderContent
Get the type of the action which user should take after receiving this reminder content.
getActivePollingID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Get the active poll's ID.
getActiveVideoUnit() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Get MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo for active user
getAddress() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Get device address of room system.
getAllChatMessageID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Get all chat message id.
getAllCountries() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Get all available countries configured in web server.
getAllLanguageList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get all interpretation language list
getAllQuestionCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
getAllQuestionList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Get all questions include open answered dismissed
getAllSupportedSignLanguageInfoList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Admin (only for host) Get all supported sign interpretation language list.
getAlphaBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
Get YUVI420 Alpha buffer
getAnnotationLegalNoticesExplained() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Return explained text for annotation legal notice
getAnnotationLegalNoticesPrompt() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Return annotation legal notice prompt
getAnswer(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Get answer item by answer id
getAnsweredCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingQuestionItem
getAnsweredQuestionCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
getAnsweredQuestionList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Get answered questions
getAnswerID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Get the answer id
getAnswerList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Get the answer information list
getAttendeeVideoUnit(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Get MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo with userId
getAttendeeViewMode() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Get the view mode of the attendee.
getAudioStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get user audio status in ZOOM meeting defined in InMeetingUserInfo.VideoStatus.
getAudioType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.AudioStatus
Get the audio types.
getAvailableDialInCountry() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Get all codes of country which allows to call in, see MobileRTCDialinCountry.
getAvailableLanguageList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get available language channel list
getAvailableMeetingSpokenLanguages() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Get the list of all available spoken languages in a meeting.
getAvailableSignLanguageInfoList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Get the available sign interpretation language list.
getAvailableTranslationLanguages() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Get the list of all available translation languages in a meeting.
getAvatarPath() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get the avatar path.
getBgColorId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
getBGImageList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVirtualBackgroundController
Get the virtual background list.
getBOAdminHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Get bo admin after bo started, assign new user to bo, after bo started, switch user from BO-A to BO-B
getBOAssistantHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Get bo assistant when host/cohost in master conf/bo conf, you can get this object
getBOAttendeeHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Get IBOAttendee if you are attendee, and are assigned to BO, you will get this object
getBOCreatorHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Get bo creator IBOCreator only host/cohost in master conf, you can get this object if host/cohost changed, creator right also need to move
getBODataHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Get IBOData when host/cohost in master conf/bo conf, you will get this object
getBoId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOMeeting
Get BO ID.
getBOMeetingByID(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOData
getBOMeetingIDList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOData
getBoName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendee
getBoName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOMeeting
Get BO name.
getBOOption() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
Get BO option
getBOStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Get current BO status
getBoUserList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOMeeting
Get user ID list in the BO.
getBOUserName(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOData
getBOUserStatus(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOMeeting
Get user status by user ID.
getBroadcastName() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RawLiveStreamInfo
Get broadcast name
getBroadcastName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler
Get the broadcast name.
getBroadcastUrl() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RawLiveStreamInfo
Get broadcast url
getBroadcastUrl() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler
Get the broadcast URL.
getBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
Get audio buffer
getBufferLen() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
Get buffer data length
getCallMeStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Get the status of the invitation by CALL ME.
getCameraDeviceList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Get the list of all camera devices.
getCameraType() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CameraDevice
Get camera type.
getCanScheduleForUsersList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Get the information of users who have assigned the current logged-in user to schedule a meeting.
getCertFingerprint() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SSLCertVerificationHandler
Get the SSL certificate's fingerprint.
getCertIssuedBy() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SSLCertVerificationHandler
Get the value that who issues the SSL certificate.
getCertIssuedTo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SSLCertVerificationHandler
Get the value of whom the SSL certificate is issued to.
getCertSerialNum() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SSLCertVerificationHandler
Get the serial number of the SSL certificate.
getChannelkey() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.LiveStreamChannel
Get stream key of the live streaming service.
getChannelMemberCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Get the channel member count.
getChannelName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Get the channel name.
getChannelNum() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
getChatLegalNoticesExplained() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Return explained text for chat legal notice
getChatLegalNoticesPrompt() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Return chat legal notice prompt
getChatMessageById(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Get chat message by message ID.
getChatMessageType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get Chat message type
getClosedCaptionUrlFor3rdParty() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Get the third party closed caption url.
getCode() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInPhoneNumberInfo
Get the current call-in number's country code.
getCode() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKCountryCode
getCompanyName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the company name of contact.
getContactId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the contact ID.
getContactName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the name of contact.
getContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteItemInfo
getContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the message content.
getContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderContent
Get the detail content of the reminder dialog content.
getContent() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteItemInfo
getContentTextId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
getContentTitleId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
getCountryCode() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneSupportCountryInfo
Get the country code.
getCountryID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneSupportCountryInfo
Get the ID of the country where a user can dial in.
getCountryName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneSupportCountryInfo
Get the country name.
getCurrentBoName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOData
getCurrentMeetingCallInNumber() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Get the list of call-in numbers supported by the meeting.
getCurrentMeetingCallInParticipantID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Get the ID of the participant who joins the meeting by calling in.
getCurrentMeetingID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get unique ID of current meeting in format such as DVLObefSZizM0xQLhtrCQ==.
getCurrentMeetingInviteEmailContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get content of email invitation for current meeting.
getCurrentMeetingInviteEmailSubject() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get subject of email invitation for current meeting.
getCurrentMeetingNumber() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get current meeting number in format such as 123456789.
getCurrentMeetingTopic() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the topic/title of the current meeting.
getCurrentMeetingUrl() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the URL of the current meeting.
getCurrentMeetingUrl() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Get the URL of the current meeting.
getCurrentRtcMeetingID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Get the unique ID of current meeting, in format like DVLObefSZizM0xQLhtrCQ==
getCurrentRtcMeetingNumber() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Get current meeting number, in format like 123456789.
getCustomerKey() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get user customer key MeetingOptions.customer_key
getDefaultAudioOption() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Get the default AUDIO TYPE of current logged-in user while scheduling a meeting.
getDefaultAutoRecordType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Get default meeting auto-recording type from user web profile.
getDefaultCanJoinUserSpecifiedDomains() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Get the specified domains set on user profile.
getDefaultThirdPartyAudioInfo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Get the current user's own 3rd PARTY AUDIO information while scheduling a meeting.
getDepartment() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the department of contact.
getDescription() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData
getDeviceId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CameraDevice
Get the camera ID.
getDeviceName() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CameraDevice
Get the camera name.
getDeviceName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingDeviceInfo
getDeviceType() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Get device type.
getDirectShareService() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingService
getDismissedQuestionCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
getDismissedQuestionList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Get dismissed questions
getDisplayName() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Get device name of room system.
getDisplayNumber() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInPhoneNumberInfo
Get the current call-in number’s display number.
getDomain() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get current domain.
getE164num() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Get E.164 number.
getE2EEMeetingSecurityCode() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController
get E2EE meeting security code
getE2EEMeetingSecurityCodePassedSeconds() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController
Returns the time the security code exists, in seconds.
getEmail() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Get email box of alternative host.
getEmail() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the email of contact.
getEmojiFeedbackType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
The emoji feedback type from the user.
getEmojiReactionController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get emojiReaction controller
getEncrypt() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Get encryption type.
getEncryptionType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController
Get meeting encryption type
getError() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SDKQuestionCharactersLength
getFirstName() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Get first name of alternative host.
getFocusModeShareType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get share focus mode type indicating who can see the shared content which is controlled by host or co-host.
getFormat() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
Query video raw data format
getFormattedHtmlContent() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent
Get html content with formatted string, the formatting parameters in order are account owner url, terms url and privacy policy url
getFrame() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoCapability
getGroupIndex() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView.MobileRTCVideoRender
getH323Address() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper
Get H.323 address of the current meeting.
getH323Password() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper
Get H.323 password of the current meeting.
getHash() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Get hash algorithm.
getHeight() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize
getHeight() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getHeight() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoCapability
getIconResId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ICustomShareOptionItem
Return share option icon resource id
getIconResId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteMenuItem
getIconResId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem
getId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKCountryCode
getID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInPhoneNumberInfo
Get the current call-in number's country ID.
getImageFilePath() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarImageInfo
Get the file path of current image.
getImageName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarImageInfo
Get the name of current image.
getImagePath() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData
getImagePath() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IVirtualBGImageInfo
Query the image path of the image item.
getIndex() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarImageInfo
Get the index of current image.
getIndex() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingDeviceInfo
getInMeetingAANController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get AAN Controller
getInMeetingAnnotationController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get annotation controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingAudioController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get audio controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingBOController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get breakout room controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingChatController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get chat controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingCloudRecordController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get cloud recording controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingDataCenterInfo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Return data center details
getInMeetingEncryptionController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the encryption controller.
getInMeetingInterpretationController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get interpretation controller
getInMeetingLiveStreamController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get live-streaming controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingLiveTranscriptionController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get live transcription controller
getInMeetingPollingController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the Polling controller.
getInMeetingQAController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get QA controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingRemoteController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get remote controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingService() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get InMeetingService instance.
getInMeetingShareController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get shared controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingSignInterpretationController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get sign interpretation controller
getInMeetingSmartSummaryController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the smart summary controller.
getInMeetingUserCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the number of participants in meeting.
getInMeetingUserList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the list of all participants in meeting.
getInMeetingUserRole() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
User roles in ZOOM meeting defined in InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole.
getInMeetingVideoController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get video controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingVirtualBackgroundController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get virtual background controller
getInMeetingWaitingRoomController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get waiting room controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingWebinarController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get webinar controller instance in meeting.
getInMeetingWhiteboardController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the new whiteborad controller
getInstance() - Static method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get a shared instance of ZOOM SDK, must call from the main thread.
getInterpretationLanguageByID(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get interpretation language by ID
getInterpreterActiveLan() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get my active language if i am an interpreter
getInterpreterActiveLanguage() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get the active language, if the user is a interpreter.
getInterpreterAvailableLanguages() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get the list of available languages that interpreters can hear.
getInterpreterLans() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get my language if I am an interpreter
getInterpreterList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get interpreters list
getInterpreterListenLan() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get a language that I can hear as an interpreter.
getInviteCallOutUserStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Get the invited user's status by calling out.
getInviteRoomSystemHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Get the instance of InviteRoomSystemHelper.
getIp() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Get device IP of room system.
getJobTitle() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the job title of contact.
getJoinedLanguageID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Get my joined language channel
getJoiningBOName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Get the name of the BO you are going to.
getLanguageAbbreviations() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInterpretationLanguage
Short Name
getLanguageID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInterpretationLanguage
getLanguageID1() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInterpreter
getLanguageID2() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInterpreter
getLanguageName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInterpretationLanguage
Full name
getLargeIconId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
getLastName() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Get last name of alternative host.
getLayout() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.NewMeetingActivity
Get the layout ID of meeting activities.
getLayoutForTablet() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.NewMeetingActivity
Get the layout ID of meeting activities for tablet.
getLiveAnswerName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Get the name of live answering.
getLiveStreamChannels() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Get live streaming server URL for current meeting.
getLiveStreamUrl() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.LiveStreamChannel
Get URL of stream server.
getLiveTranscriptionStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Return the current live transcription status.
getLiveTranscriptLegalNoticesExplained() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Return explained text for live transcript legal notice
getLiveTranscriptLegalNoticesPrompt() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Return live transcript legal notice prompt
getLogoPath() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData
getLoudSpeakerStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Get the speaker status of the current phone.
getLTTLanguageID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionLanguage
getLTTLanguageName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionLanguage
getMaxLen() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SDKQuestionCharactersLength
getMeetingAttendeeChatPrivilege() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Get the chat privilege of the meeting participant.
getMeetingId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteItemInfo
getMeetingId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingDeviceInfo
getMeetingId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteItemInfo
getMeetingNumber() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Get the invite meeting number.
getMeetingNumber() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingDeviceInfo
getMeetingPassword() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteItemInfo
getMeetingPassword() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
get the current meeting's password
getMeetingPassword() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteItemInfo
getMeetingRawArchivingController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the Raw Archiving controller.
getMeetingRawPassword() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteItemInfo
getMeetingRawPassword() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteItemInfo
getMeetingService() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get the instance of meeting service.
getMeetingSettingsHelper() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get MeetingSettingsHelper instance.
getMeetingSpokenLanguage() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Get the spoken language of the current user.
getMeetingStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Get the current meeting status.
getMeetingTopic() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingDeviceInfo
getMeetingUrl() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteItemInfo
getMeetingUrl() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteItemInfo
getMessageContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo
Get the content of the current message.
getMessageID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo
Get the message ID of the current message.
getMessageOperationType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo
Get the type of the current message.
getMinLen() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SDKQuestionCharactersLength
getMsgId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the message ID.
getMultiReminderTypes() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderContent
Get a list of reminder’s type.
getMyQuestionCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
getMyQuestionList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Get my question list
getMyUserID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the current user ID in the meeting.
getMyUserInfo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the information of current user in meeting.
getName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInPhoneNumberInfo
Get the current call-in number's country name.
getName() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Get device name of room system.
getName() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKCountryCode
getNativeAlphaBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
getNativeHandle() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
getNativeHandle() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
getNativeUBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
getNativeVBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
getNativeYBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
getNotificationCompatBuilder(Context, String, int) - Static method in class us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationMgr
getNotificationCompatBuilder4SDK(Context, String, int) - Static method in class us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationMgr
getNotificationServiceHelper() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get notification service helper interface.
getNumber() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInPhoneNumberInfo
Get the current call-in number’s telephone number.
getNumber() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKCountryCode
getOpenQuestionCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Get the amount of open-ended questions.
getOpenQuestionList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Get all open questions
getPanelistChatPrivilege() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Get the chat privilege of the panelist.
getParticipantCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Get the participant count.
getParticipantId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the current user participant id.
getPersistentId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get the user persistent ID matched with the current user information.
getPersonalNote() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the personal note of contact.
getPhoneHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Get the instance of PhoneHelper.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the contact's phone number.
getPicUrl() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Get the avatar link of alternative host.
getPinnedUser() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Get the user ID of current pinned video.
getPmi() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Get the personal meeting number of alternative host.
getPollingAnsweredContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerItem
getPollingAnswerID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerItem
getPollingAnswerID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerResultItem
getPollingAnswerItemList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingQuestionItem
getPollingAnswerName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerItem
getPollingAnswerName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerResultItem
getPollingAnswerResultItemList(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Get the list of polling answer result item.
getPollingID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerItem
getPollingID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerResultItem
getPollingID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingItem
getPollingID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingQuestionItem
getPollingItemByID(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Get the polling item object of specified polling ID.
getPollingItemList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Get the list of poll item.
getPollingName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingItem
getPollingQuestionCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingItem
getPollingQuestionID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerItem
getPollingQuestionID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerResultItem
getPollingQuestionID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingQuestionItem
getPollingQuestionImagePath(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Get the polling question's image path.
getPollingQuestionItemList(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Get the list of poll's question.
getPollingQuestionName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingQuestionItem
getPollingQuestionType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingQuestionItem
getPollingRightAnswerItemList(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Get the list of polling question or subquestion's right answer.
getPollingStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingItem
getPollingSubQuestionID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerItem
getPollingSubQuestionID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerResultItem
getPollingSubQuestionItemList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingQuestionItem
getPollingType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingItem
getPositionEnd() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRichTextStyleOffset
Get a certain rich-text style’s end position
getPositionStart() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRichTextStyleOffset
Get a certain rich-text style’s start position
getPreMeetingService() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get preMeetingService instance.
getPresenceHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.INotificationServiceHelper
Get the Presence helper.
getPresenceStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the presence status of contact.
getPrivacyPolicyUrl() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent
This Formatted parameter are used to replace the privacy policy url parameters in formatted html content WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent.getFormattedHtmlContent()
getProfilePicture() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IContactInfo
Get the profile picture of contact.
getProperFPS() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView.MobileRTCVideoRender
getProxyDescription() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ProxySettingHandler
Get the description of the proxy.
getProxyHost() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ProxySettingHandler
Get the address of the proxy host.
getProxyPort() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ProxySettingHandler
Get the proxy port.
getQALegalNoticesExplained() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Return explained text for QA legal notice
getQALegalNoticesPrompt() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Return QA legal notice prompt
getQuestion(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Get question by question id
getQuestionCharactersLengthRange(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Get the polling question's minimum character and maximum character count.
getQuestionID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Get question id
getQuestionID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Get question id
getRawDataType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKRenderer
getRawDataType() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRenderer
getRawLiveStreamPrivilegeUserList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Get the list of users' IDs who have raw live stream privileges.
getRawLivingInfoList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Get a list of current active raw live streams.
getReactionSkinTone() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Get the emoji reaction skin tone type.
getRealNameAuthPrivacyURL() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsService
getReceiverDisplayName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the screen name of user who receives message.
getReceiverUserId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the ID of user who receives message.
getReminderHelper() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get Reminder Helper interface;
getRequesterId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.IRequestStartCloudRecordingHandler
Get the user ID who requested that the host start cloud recording.
getRequesterId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeHandler
Get the user ID who requested privilege.
getRequesterId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler
Get the user ID who requested privilege.
getRequesterName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.IRequestStartCloudRecordingHandler
Get the user name who requested that the host start cloud recording.
getRequesterName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeHandler
Get the user name who requested privileges.
getRequesterName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler
Get the user name who requested privileges.
getRequestId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeHandler
Get the request ID.
getRequestId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler
Get the request ID.
getResendSMSVerificationCodeHandler() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsService
getReserve() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRichTextStyleOffset
Get a certain rich-text style’s supplementary information.
getResolution() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKRenderer
getResolution() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRenderer
getReVerifySMSVerificationCodeHandler() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsService
getRightMargin() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize
getRoomDevices() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper
Get the list of devices in current meeting room.
getRotation() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getRotation() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
Query video raw data rotation
getSampleRate() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
Get audio sample rate
getSdkLocale(Context) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get current ZOOM SDK locale configuration.
getSelectedCameraId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Get the ID of currently selected camera.
getSelectedCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerResultItem
How many participants selected this answer.
getSelectedCountries() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Get the countries selected by user.
getSenderDisplayName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the screen name of user who sends message.
getSenderName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Get the answer sender user name
getSenderName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Get the inviter name.
getSenderName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Get the question sender user name
getSenderUserId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the ID of user who sends message.
getSetVideoOrderHelper() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
getShareBitmap() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Get share bitmap in zoom ui.
getShareMeetingChatStartedLegalNoticeContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Return meeting chat legal notice content when start to share meeting chat
getShareMeetingChatStoppedLegalNoticeContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Return meeting chat legal notice content when stop to share meeting chat
getShareSourceHelper() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get share source helper
getSignInterpretationLanguageInfoByID(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Get the sign interpretation language object of specified sign language ID.
getSignInterpretationStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Get sign interpretation status of current meeting.
getSignInterpreterAssignedLanID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Interpreter (only for interpreter) Get sign language id if myself is a sign interpreter.
getSignInterpreterList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Get the sign interpreters list.
getSignLanguageID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ISignInterpretationLanguageInfo
getSignLanguageID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ISignInterpreter
getSignLanguageName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ISignInterpretationLanguageInfo
getSmallIconForLorLaterId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
getSmallIconId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
getSmsService() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get Sms Service for real name auth for chinese user.
getSpeakerID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo
Get the speaker's ID.
getSpeakerName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo
Get the speaker's name.
getState() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Get answer status
getState() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Get question status
getStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData
getStreamHeight() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
getStreamWidth() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
Query stream width
getSupportCountryInfo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Get the list of the countries which support calling out.
getSupportedMeetingAudioType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Get supported audio types
getSupportPhoneNumberCountryList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsService
getSwitchVideoLayoutUserCountThreshold() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Get the threshold for the number of users which is used to switch the video layout automatically.
getTermsUrl() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent
This Formatted parameter are used to replace the terms url parameters in formatted html content WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent.getFormattedHtmlContent()
getText() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Get answer content
getText() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Get question content
getTextStyle() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRichTextStyleItem
Get the rich text type of a portion of the current message.
getTextStyleItemList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the current message’s chat message font style list.
getTextStyleOffsetList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRichTextStyleItem
Get the current message’s rich text position info list of a certain style.
getThreadId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the current message’s thread ID.
getTime() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Get the time when the message is sent.
getTimeStamp() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Get answer add timestamp
getTimeStamp() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo
Get the timestamp of the current message.
getTimeStamp() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Get question add timestamp
getTitle() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ICustomShareOptionItem
Return share option title
getTitle() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteMenuItem
getTitle() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData
getTitle() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderContent
Get the reminder dialog content’s title.
getTitle() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem
getTopic() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteItemInfo
getTopic() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteItemInfo
getTopMargin() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize
getTotalVotedUserCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingItem
getTranslationLanguage() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Get the translation language of the current user.
getType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData
getType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderContent
Get the reminder’s type.
getType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInPhoneNumberInfo
Get the call-in number’s call type.
getuBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
Get YUVI420 U buffer
getUBuffer(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getUnassginedUserList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOData
getUnencryptedExceptionCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController
Returns unencrypted exception count
getUnencryptedExceptionInfo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController
Returns unencrypted exception details
getUpvoteNum() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Get upvote number
getUserCount() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserList
This method is used to get user count in meeting
getUserId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get the user ID.
getUserId() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKRenderer
getUserId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RawLiveStreamInfo
Get user ID.
getUserId() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRenderer
getUserID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInterpreter
getUserID() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ISignInterpreter
getUserInfoById(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the information of the specified user.
getUserInfoByIndex(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserList
This method is used to get user info by index
getUserName() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get user name.
getUStride() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getValue() - Method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoResolution
getVbType() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IVirtualBGImageInfo
Get virtual background image type.
getvBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
Get YUVI420 V buffer
getVBuffer(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getVersion(Context) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get ZOOM SDK version on Android.
getVideoAspectRatio() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Get type of video aspect ratio
getVideoAutoFramingMode() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Get current mode of auto-framing.
getVideoAutoFramingSetting(AutoFramingMode) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Get the setting of auto-framing.
getVideoOrderList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ISetVideoOrderHelper
getVideoPath() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData
getVideoQuality() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.VideoStatus
Get Network quality.
getVideoSourceHelper() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get video source helper
getVideoStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get user video status in ZOOM meeting defined in InMeetingUserInfo.VideoStatus.
getVideoViewManager() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
Get a manager object of the video view.
getVideoViewMgr() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MinMeetingView
getVideoViewMgr() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
getVStride() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getWaitingRoomUserInfoByID(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Get the information of user who is in the waiting room by user ID.
getWaitingRoomUserLst() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Get the list of meeting participants in the waiting room.
getWebinarAttendeeChatPrivilege() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Get the chat privilege of the webinar attendee.
getWebinarAttendeeStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Get attendee status in webinar.
getWebinarRegistrationLegalNoticesExplained() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Return explained content WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent for webinar registration legal notice
getWebinarRegistrationLegalNoticesExplained() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
getWebinarRegistrationLegalNoticesPrompt() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Return webinar registration legal notice prompt
getWebinarRegistrationLegalNoticesPrompt() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
getWebPreAssignBODataStatus() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
Get the downloading status of pre-assigned data.
getWhiteboardCreateOption() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Get the setting option for whiteboard who can initiate new whiteboard.
getWhiteboardLegalNoticesExplained() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Return explained text for whiteboard legal notice
getWhiteboardLegalNoticesPrompt() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Return whiteboard legal notice prompt
getWhiteboardShareOption() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Get the setting option for whiteboard who can share.
getWidth() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize
getWidth() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getWidth() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoCapability
getyBuffer() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
Get YUVI420 Y buffer
getYBuffer(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getYStride() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
getZoomUIService() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Get ZoomUIService instance.
grabRemoteControl() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Set to enable remote control.
grantLocalRecordingPrivilege() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeHandler
Allows the user to start local recording and finally self-destroy.
grantRawLiveStreamPrivilege() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler
Allows the user to start raw live stream and finally self-destroy.


handleReturnToConfNotify(Context, Intent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingNotificationHandle
handleSSOLoginURIProtocol(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Login with the SSO login uri, link zoommtg://*
handZoomWebUrl(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Start or join a ZOOM meeting with zoom web url
hangUp() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Cancel the current CALL ME action.
hasCamera() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Query if the participant has a camera.
hasLiveAnswers() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query the question has live answers
hasRawDataLicense() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Query is has raw data license, must call from the main thread.
hasRawLiveStreamPrivilege() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Determine whether the user has raw live stream privilege.
hasRemoteControlPrivilegeWithUserId(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Query if the current user has the remote control privilege.
hasTextAnswers() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query the question has text answers
Heart - us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
height - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
The height of video
heightPercent - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
The percentage that the video unit height occupies the total one of the monitor.
hiddenChangeToAttendee(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Hide Change to attendee in webinar
hiddenPoll(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Hidden poll feature for zoom ui
hiddenPromoToPanelist(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Hide promo to panelist in webinar
hiddenQA(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Hidden question and answer feature for zoom ui
hideAANPanel() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAANController
Hide AAN panel window
hideAnnotationInScreenShareToolbar(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Hide annotation button in screen share toolbar,for sdk screen share.
hideCloudWhiteboardAboutButton(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Hide about button on cloud whiteboard
hideCloudWhiteboardFeedbackButton(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Hide feedback button on cloud whiteboard
hideCloudWhiteboardShareButton(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Hide share button on cloud whiteboard
hideDisconnectAudio(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Hide disconnect audio button in meeting.
hideDynamicNoticeForAICompanionPanel() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAANController
Hide dynamic notice for AI Companion panel window.
hideJoinMeetingNamePasswordDialog(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Whether to hide the name and password dialog when the meeting requires a name and password dialog.
hideMeetingInviteUrl(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
hide meeting invite url
hideMiniMeetingWindow() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
hideParticipantProfilePictures(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Hide/Show participant profile pictures.
hideReactionsOnMeetingUI(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Hide meeting reaction ui.
hideRequestRecordPrivilegeDialog(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Set the visibility of request local recording privilege dialog when attendee request local recording privilege.
hideStopShareInScreenShareToolbar(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Hide stopshare button in screen share toolbar.
HOST_GRAB - us.zoom.sdk.ShareSettingType
Anyone can share, but one sharing only at one moment, and only host can grab other's sharing
Host_Only - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge
HOST_WILL_BE_BACK - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene


I3DAvatarImageInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
I3DAvatarSettingContext - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
3D Avatar Setting.
I3DAvatarSettingContext.I3DAvatarSettingContextEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
3D avatar context callback event.
IAnswerItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOAdmin - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOAdminEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOAssistant - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOAttendee - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOAttendeeEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOAttendeeEvent.ATTENDEE_REQUEST_FOR_HELP_RESULT - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
IBOCreator - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOCreatorEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOData - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBODataEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IBOMeeting - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IContactInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Presence information interface.
ICustomizedVideoSink - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ICustomShareOptionItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ICustomShareOptionItem.IShareOptionAction - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a share option item is clicked
IDirectShareServiceHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IDirectShareServiceHelperEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IDirectShareViaMeetingIDOrPairingCodeHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IEmojiReactionController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IEmojiReactionControllerEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ignore() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController.ISmartSummaryPrivilegeHandler
Ignore the start smart summary request.
ignore() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderHandler
ignore the reminder.
ignore() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ReturnToMainSessionHandler
Ignore the return invitation, after call this method, please don't use the handler unless you receive the invitation again
Ignore() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.IWaitingRoomDataDownloadHandler
Ignore to Download the WaitingRoom CustomizeData information in the waiting room.
ignoreUserHelpRequest(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
IInterpretationLanguage - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IInterpreter - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IInvitationMeetingHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Process after the user receives an invitation from another user to join a meeting.
ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
live transcription message interface.
IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IMeetingInviteAction - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IMeetingInviteItemInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IMeetingInviteMenuItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Polling controller callback event
IMMERSIVE - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
initialize(Context, ZoomSDKInitializeListener, ZoomSDKInitParams) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
InMeetingAANController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingAnnotationController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Annotation controls in meeting.
InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Annotation tool types in meeting.
InMeetingAnnotationController.InMeetingAnnotationListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Callback event of meeting annotaion share.
InMeetingAudioController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Audio controller in meeting.
InMeetingAudioController.MobileRTCMicrophoneError - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Enumeration of Microphone Errors.
InMeetingBOController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingBOControllerListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingChatController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Chat controller in meeting.
InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCChatGroup - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Chat group in meeting.
InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
An enumeration of meeting chat priviledge types
InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarChatPriviledge - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
An enumeration of webinar chat priviledge types
InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarPanelistChatPrivilege - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Enumerations of the panelist chat privilege.
InMeetingChatMessage - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Chat message in zoom meeting.
InMeetingCloudRecordController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Cloud recording controller in meeting.
InMeetingCloudRecordController.InMeetingCloudRecordingListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
cloud recording listener
InMeetingCloudRecordController.IRequestStartCloudRecordingHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Object to handle a user's request to start cloud recording.
InMeetingCloudRecordController.RequestStartCloudRecordingStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Request host to start cloud recording response status.
InMeetingDeviceInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingEncryptionController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingEncryptionController.InMeetingEncryptionControllerListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingEventHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting event handler.
InMeetingInterpretationController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingLiveStreamController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Live Stream in ZOOM meeting Controller.
InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Interface to listening for live streaming status.
InMeetingLiveStreamController.LiveStreamChannel - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Live streaming channels by which users can share the meeting.
InMeetingLiveStreamController.MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Enumeration of live stream status in meeting.
InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Live Transcription Controller In Meeting.
InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionLanguage - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
live transcription language interface.
InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Callback event of live transcription.
InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Live transcription operation type.
InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Live transcription status.
InMeetingNotificationHandle - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingPollingController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingQAController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Question and answer(QA) controller in webinar.
InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
QA event listener in webinar.
InMeetingRawArchivingController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingRemoteController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Remote controller interface in meeting.
InMeetingRemoteController.InMeetingRemoteControlListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingRemoteController.MobileRTCRemoteControlInputType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Type of operations when the user is in remote controlling.
InMeetingService - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Interfaces of ZOOM services in meeting.
InMeetingServiceListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Zoom service listener in meeting.
InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingServiceListener.UVCCameraStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingServiceListener.VideoStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingShareController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Share controller in meeting.
InMeetingShareController.InMeetingShareListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Callback event of meeting sharing.
InMeetingSignInterpretationController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingSignInterpretationController.SignInterpretationStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Status of sign interpretation.
InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting sign interpretation callback event.
InMeetingSmartSummaryController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Smart Summary Controller in ZOOM meeting.
InMeetingSmartSummaryController.InMeetingSmartSummaryListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Interface to listening for smart summary status.
InMeetingSmartSummaryController.ISmartSummaryPrivilegeHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
interface to handle start smart summary request
InMeetingSupportAudioType - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingUserInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
User Information Object in ZOOM meeting.
InMeetingUserInfo.AudioStatus - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
User's audio status in ZOOM meeting.
InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
An enumeration of user roles.
InMeetingUserInfo.SDK_NETWORK_STATUS - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingUserInfo.VideoStatus - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
User video status in ZOOM meeting.
InMeetingUserInfo.WebinarAttendeeStatus - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Attendee's status in webinar.
InMeetingUserList - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Zoom in-meeting user list
InMeetingVideoController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Video controller in meeting.
InMeetingVirtualBackgroundController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Virtual background controller in meeting.
InMeetingWaitingRoomController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Waiting Room of Meeting Service Interface
InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
The WaitingRoom Customize Data Info.
InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Callback Event of Meeting Waiting Room.
InMeetingWaitingRoomController.IWaitingRoomDataDownloadHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
handler for download waitingRoom Customize Data if download fail.
InMeetingWaitingRoomController.WaitingRoomLayoutType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
WaitingRoom LayoutType
InMeetingWebinarController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Webinar controller in meeting.
InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Callback event of webinar.
InMeetingWhiteboardController - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
InMeetingWhiteboardCtrlEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
INotificationServiceEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
INotificationServiceHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Transfer meeting control interface.
inputName(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEventHandler
Input screen name to join the webinar.
inputUsernamePassword(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ProxySettingHandler
Input the username and password of the proxy.
InstantMeetingOptions - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting Options to start an instant meeting.
InstantMeetingOptions() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.InstantMeetingOptions
Invalid - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge
Invalid - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarChatPriviledge
INVALID - us.zoom.sdk.BOStatus
INVITE_COPY_URL - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.InviteOptions
Invite attendees by URL.
INVITE_DISABLE_ALL - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.InviteOptions
Disable all invitation items.
INVITE_ENABLE_ALL - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.InviteOptions
Invite attendees by all items.
invite_options - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Invitation options.
INVITE_VIA_EMAIL - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.InviteOptions
Invite attendees by email.
INVITE_VIA_SMS - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.InviteOptions
Invite attendees by message.
inviteBOUserReturnToMainSession(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
Host invite user return to main session when BO is started and user is in BO.
inviteCallOutUser(String, String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Invite the specified user to join the meeting by calling out.
inviteContact(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
inviteContactId - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParams
invite contact Id
inviteContactList(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
InviteOptions - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Options to enable/disable the items on invitation list.
InviteOptions() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.InviteOptions
InviteRoomSystemHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Invitation room system helper.
InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Room system outgoing call status.
InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Room system pairing status.
InviteRoomSystemListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Invitation room system status/result listener.
IPollingAnswerItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Polling answer item interface
IPollingAnswerResultItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Polling answer result item interface
IPollingItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Polling item interface.
IPollingQuestionItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Polling question item interface.
IPresenceHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Presence Helper interface.
IPresenceHelperEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Presence helper callback event.
IQAItemInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IQAItemStatus - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IQAItemStatus_Init - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemStatus
IQAItemStatus_Received - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemStatus
IQAItemStatus_SendFail - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemStatus
IQAItemStatus_Sending - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemStatus
IQAItemStatus_Sent - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemStatus
IReminderHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
The helper to handle reminder dialog.
IReminderHelper.IReminderContent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
The reminder dialog content.
IReminderHelper.IReminderEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
reminder callback event
IReminderHelper.IReminderHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
The interface to handle the reminder dialog.
IReminderHelper.ReminderType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
IRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IRichTextStyleItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IRichTextStyleOffset - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
is_auto_recording_cloud - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
Auto cloud recording or not.
is_auto_recording_local - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
Auto local recording or not.
is_border_visible - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
Set whether to display video border on video unit.
is_chat_off - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that it is disabled to chat in the specified meeting.
is_show_audio_off - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
Set whether to display user's audio status on video unit.
is_username_visible - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
Set whether to display user's name on video unit.
is_webinar_attendee - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the owner of the current message is the attendee of the webinar
is_webinar_meeting - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the current meeting is webinar.
is3DAvatarEffectForAllMeetingEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext
Determine whether 3D avatar is enabled when the join meeting
is3DAvatarEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext
Determine if the 3D avatar feature is enabled.
is3DAvatarSupportedByDevice() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext
Determine if the 3D avatar feature is supported by video device.
is3rdPartyTelephonyAudioOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Determine if the meeting has third party telephony audio enabled.
is720PEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if 720p enabled, it is only supported in device with at least 4 gold cores
isAllowAttendeeChat() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Query if attendee is able to chat.
isAllowPanellistStartVideo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Query if panelist is able to start video.
isAllowTalk() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.WebinarAttendeeStatus
isAlphaChannelModeEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Determine if alpha channel mode is enabled.
isAlwaysShowMeetingToolbarEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if the option ALWAYS SHOW MEETING CONTROLS is enabled
isAnnotationLegalNoticeAvailable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Whether annotation legal notice is available
isAnonymous() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query is the question anonymous
isAskQuestionAnonymouslyEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Query if it is allowed to ask question anonymously in webinar.
isAskQuestionEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Determine if the ask question is allowed by the host/co-host.
isAttendeeCanChooseBO - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
Enable/Disable that Attendee can choose breakout room, invalid when attendee is not contained.
isAttendeeCanViewAllQuestions() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Query if attendee is allowed to view all question.
isAttendeeContained - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
Enable/Disable Webinar Attendee join Webinar BO, When it changes, the BO data will be reset.
isAttendeeRaiseHandAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Query If attendee raise hand status.
isAttendeeViewTheParticipantCountAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Query if attendee to view the participant count status.
isAudioConnected() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Query if the audio of the current user is connected.
isAudioEnabledInWaitingRoom() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Determine if the attendee is enabled to turn on audio when joining the meeting.
isAudioRawDataStereo - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
Is audio raw data stereo? The default is mono
isAudioRawDataStereo - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParams
Is audio raw data stereo? The default is mono
isAutoAdjustMicVolumeOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
isAutoAllowLocalRecordingRequest() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Check whether the current meeting auto grant participants local recording privilege request, it can only be used in regular meeetings(no webinar or bo).
isAutoConnectVoIPWhenJoinMeetingEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if the VoIP auto-connection is enabled when the current user joins the meeting.
isAutoMoveAllAssignedParticipantsEnabled - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
Enable/Disable that auto move all assigned participants to breakout room.
isAvailable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInterpreter
Check if the Interpreter available.
isAvailable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ISignInterpreter
isBackCamera(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Query if the camera is the back one.
isBlocking() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderContent
Whether to block the user from joining or staying in the meeting.
isBOEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Query if bo is enable
isBOStarted() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Query if bo is started
isBOTimerEnabled - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
true: it's timer BO false: not timer BO
isBOUserMyself(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOData
isBroadcastingVoiceToBO() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Query if host is broadcasting voice to BO.
isBroadcastVoiceToBOSupport() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Query if current meeting support broadcasting host's voice to BO.
isCanReturnMainSession() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendee
Determine if participant can return to main session.
isCaptionsEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Query if the captions enabled.
isChannelInvitation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Determine whether this invitation is from channel.
isChatDisabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Query if it is disabled to chat in the current meeting.
isChatMessageCanBeDeleted(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Determine whether the message can be delete.
isChatToAll() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
To check if the message is sended to all users in meeting
isChatToAllPanelist() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
To check if the message is sended to all panelist in meeting
isChatToWaitingroom() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
To check if the message is sended to waiting room users
isChecked() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingAnswerItem
isClosedCaptionSender() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Determine whether the user corresponding to the current information is the sender of Closed Caption or not.
isCloudRecordEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Query if the CLOUD RECORDING for current user is enabled.
isCloudRecordingSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if the CLOUD RECORDING is enabled while scheduling a meeting.
isCloudRecordInProgress() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Query if the current meeting is recorded in process on the cloud in process.
isCloudRecordPaused() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Query if the current recording on the cloud is paused.
isComment() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Determine if the current message is a comment replying to another message.
isCurrentMeetingHost() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Query if the current user is meeting host.
isCurrentMeetingLocked() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Query if the current meeting is locked.
isCustomizedMeetingUIEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if USE CUSTOM MEETING UI is enabled.
isDeviceSupported(Context) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Query if the current device is able to run SDK.
isDialOutInProgress() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
isDialoutSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
isDialoutSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Query if it is able to dial out in the current meeting.
isDirectShareInProgress() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareServiceHelper
isDisabledClearWebKitCache() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if the action of clear WebView's cache be disabled.
isDisabledPMI() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingService
Query is person meeting id disable for login user.
isDisableShowVideoPreviewWhenJoinMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
To query whether the query dialog will be displayed when joining a video meeting
isEchoCancellationOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Determine if echo cancellation is enabled or not.
isEmojiReactionEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionController
Determine if the reactions feature is enabled in the meeting.
isEnableJoinBeforeHostByDefault() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if it is enabled to JOIN BEFORE HOST(JBH) by default while scheduling a meeting.
ISetVideoOrderHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
isExternalMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current meeting is external.
isFailoverMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current meeting is failover.
isFocusModeEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the focus mode enabled or not by web portal.
isFocusModeOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Get the focus mode on or off.
isFollowHostVideoOrderOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ISetVideoOrderHelper
isFrontCamera(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Query if the camera is the front one.
isGalleryVideoViewDisabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if DISABLE video GALLERY VIEW is enabled.
isGreenBorderEnableForShareScreen() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if enabling or disabling showing the green border when screen sharing.
isH323User() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Query if the user is h323 user.
isHideAnnotationInScreenShareToolbar() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if annotation button is hide in screen share toolbar.
isHideClosedCaption() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if HIDE CLOSED CAPTION on the main video is enabled.
isHideNoVideoUsersEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if the option HIDE NON-VIDEO PARTICIPANTS is enabled.
isHideRegisterWebinarInfoWindow() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Get the webinar register information dialog to hide or display.
isHideSelfViewEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Get the flag to enable/disable to hide userself's view in gallery view.
isHideStopShareInScreenShareToolbar() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if stopshare button is hide in screen share toolbar.
isHideWebinarNameInputWindow() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Get the webinar username input dialog to hide or display.
isHost() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Determine whether the member corresponding with the current information is the host or not.
isHostInThisBO() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendee
isHostMeetingInChinaFeatureOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if HOST MEETING IN CHINA is enabled while scheduling a meeting.
isHostUser(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current user is host.
ISignInterpretationLanguageInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
sign interpretation language interface.
ISignInterpreter - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
sign interpreter interface.
isInBOMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Query if current user is bo meeting
isIncludedTollfree() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Query if the toll-free number is included in the list of dialing in.
isIncomingAudioStopped() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Determine if the incoming audio is stopped.
isIncomingVideoStopped() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Determine if the incoming video is stopped.
isInitialized() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Query if ZOOM SDK has been initialized, must call from main thread.
isInternalMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current meeting is internal.
isInterpretationEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Query if web enabled this feature option
isInterpretationStarted() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Query if host has started the interpretation
isInterpreter() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Query if I am an interpreter or not
isInterpreter() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Determine whether the user specified by the current information is a interpreter or not.
isInviteRoomSystemSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Query if it is able to invite room system in the current meeting.
isInWaitingRoom() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if current user is in the waiting room
isInWaitingRoom() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Query if the participant is in the waiting room.
isKubiDeviceEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if Kubi device is enabled.
isLastUsed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarImageInfo
Determine if it is the last used image
isLibraryPolling() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingItem
isLimited() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
isLimited() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
Query video raw data is limited.
isLiveAnswer() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Query if the answer is live
isLiveAnswering() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query the question is live answering
isLiveTranscriptionFeatureEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Query if it is enabled to support live transcription feature.
isLiveTranscriptLegalNoticeAvailable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Whether live transcript legal notice is available
isLocalRecordingSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if the LOCAL RECORDING is enabled while scheduling a meeting.
isLoggedIn() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Query if ZOOM user has logged in.
isMajorAudioTurnOff() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Query the major audio channel enable status
isMarkedAsAnswered() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query is the question marked as answered.
isMarkedAsDismissed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query is the question marked as dismissed.
isMeetingBeingRecording() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Query if the meeting recording starts.
isMeetingChatLegalNoticeAvailable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Whether chat legal notice is available
isMeetingConnected() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the meeting is connected.
isMeetingHost() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current user is the host of the meeting.
isMeetingLocked() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the meeting is locked by host.
isMeetingManualCaptionEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Determine whether manually added closed captions is enabled for the meeting.
isMeetingQAFeatureOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Query if meeting QA feature is enabled in current meeting.
isMeetingSupportCC() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Query if the current meeting is supported closed caption.
isMicOriginalInputEnable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query is mic original input enable
isMirrorEffectEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Get the flag to enable/disable the video mirror effect
isMultiLanguageTranscriptionEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Determine whether the multi-language transcription feature is enabled.
isMuted() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.AudioStatus
Query if the audio is muted.
isMuteMyMicrophoneWhenJoinMeetingEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if the microphone is muted always when the current user joins the meeting.
isMuteOnEntryOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Query if is enabled to mute attendees automatically when they join the meeting.
isMyAudioMuted() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Query if the audio of current user is muted.
isMyself(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the owner of ID is the current user himself.
isMySelf() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Determine whether the current information corresponds to the user himself or not.
isMySelfUpvoted() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query if myself has upvote the question
isMyVideoMuted() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Query if the video of current user is muted or not.
isMyVoiceInMix - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
Is my voice in the mixed audio raw data?
isMyVoiceInMix - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParams
Is my voice in the mixed audio raw data?
isNoLeaveMeetingButtonForHostEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if hide leaving button on the dialog when the host leaves meeting is enabled
isNoUserJoinOrLeaveTipEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if the tips, NO USER JOINS or LEAVES, is enabled.
isNoVideoTileOnShareScreenEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if NO VIDEO TILE ON SHARE SCREEN is enabled.
isOtherSharing() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Query if other user is sharing.
isPanelistCanChooseBO - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
Enable/Disable that Panelist can choose breakout room.
isParticipantCanChooseBO - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
Enable/Disable that participant can choose breakout room.
isParticipantCanReturnToMainSessionAtAnyTime - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
Enable/Disable that participant can return to main session at any time.
isParticipantProfilePicturesHidden() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current meeting hides participant pictures.
isParticipantRequestCloudRecordingAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Check whether the current meeting allows participants to send cloud recording start requests.
isParticipantRequestLocalRecordingAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Check whether the current meeting allows participants to send local recording privilege request, it can only be used in regular meeetings(no webinar or bo).
isParticipantsCreateWithoutHostEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Determine whether enable the participants create new whiteboard without host in the meeting.
isParticipantsRenameAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query is allow participant to rename self
isParticipantsShareWhiteBoardAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query is allow participant to share white board
isParticipantsStartVideoAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query is allow participant to start video
isParticipantsUnmuteSelfAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query is allow participant to unmute self
isPlayChimeOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if chime is enabled when user joins/leaves meeting.
isPresenceFeatureEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.INotificationServiceHelper
brief Determine whether the presence feature is enabled.
isPresenter() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Query if the current user himself is presenter.
isPrivate() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Query if the answer is private
isPrivateChatDisabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Query if meeting participants can send private 1:1 message to another participant.
isPureCallInUser() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Query if the user is telephone user
isQACommentEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Allow attendee to answer question.
isQAEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Query if QA is enabled.
isQALegalNoticeAvailable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Whether QA legal notice is available
isQAVoteupEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Query if attendee is allowed to submit questions.
isQuestionCaseSensitive(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Determine if the question is case sensitive.
isRaisedHand() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Query if the hand is raised.
isRawLiveStreaming() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Determine whether the user has started a raw live stream.
isRawLiveStreamSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Query Whether the meeting supports to use raw live stream.
isReceiveSpokenLanguageContentEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Determine whether receive original and translated is available.
isRecordingMeetingOnCloud() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Query if the meeting recording on the cloud starts.
isRemoteController() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Query if the current user gets the remote control privilege.
isRequestToStartLiveTranscriptionEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Determine whether the request to start live transcription is enabled., If the return value is true, it is enabled, if false, disabled.
isRequired() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPollingQuestionItem
isSelect() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IVirtualBGImageInfo
Query if current image info is used as the virtual background image.
isSelected() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarImageInfo
Determine the usage of current image.
isSelectedDevice() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CameraDevice
Query if the the current camera is selected.
isSenderMyself() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IAnswerItem
Query if the answer is myself
isSenderMyself() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IQAItemInfo
Query if the question send by myself.
isSenderSupportAnnotation(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Query if the annotation is enabled in current sharing.
isSending() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.VideoStatus
Query if the user is sending video.
isSensorOrientationEnabled() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.NewMeetingActivity
Query if the sensor orientation of the phone is enabled.
isShareLocked() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Query if screen share is locked by host.
isShareMeetingChatLegalNoticeAvailable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Whether meeting chat legal notice is available
isSharingOut() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Query if the current user is sharing successfully.
isSharingScreen() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Query if the current user is sharing screen.
isShowAvatar() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Determine if the meeting is showing the avatar.
isShowMyMeetingElapseTimeEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query is enable show meeting elapse time
isSignedInUserMeetingOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if ONLY SIGNED-IN USERS CAN JOIN MEETINGS is enabled while scheduling a meeting.
isSignInterpretationEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Determine if sign interpretation feature is enabled in the meeting.
isSignInterpreter() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Determine if myself is interpreter.
isSignLanguageInterpreter() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo
Determine whether the user specified by the current information is a sign language interpreter or not.
isSmartRecordingEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Determine if the smart recording feature is enabled in the meeting.
isSmartSummaryEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Determine if the smart summary feature is enabled in the meeting.
isSmartSummaryStarted() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Query whether smart summary is started.
isSmartSummarySupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Determine if current meeting support smart summary feature.
isSpecifiedDomainsCanJoinFeatureOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if users in specified domains can join meeting while scheduling a meeting.
isStopIncomingVideoSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Determine if the incoming video is supported
isSupportAttendeeTalk() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Query if attendee in the current meeting is allowed to talk.
isSupportEchoCancellation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Determine if the meeting supports echo cancellation.
isSupportFollowHostVideoOrder() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ISetVideoOrderHelper
isSupportPhoneFeature() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
Determine if the user account supports calling out.
isSupportVirtualBG() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVirtualBackgroundController
Query if can support virtual background.
isSupportWaitingRoom() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Query if it is able to enable waiting room in the current meeting.
isSupportWhiteBoard() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Determine whether the current meeting supports the whiteboard or not.
isSwitchVideoLayoutAccordingToUserCountEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if it is able to switch video layout mode automatically between SPEAKER VIEW and GALLERY VIEW based on the number of users.
isTabletDevice() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Query if the current device is tablet device for zoom ui.
isTalking() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.AudioStatus
Query if the user is speaking.
isTelephonySupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if the TELEPHONY of current user is enabled while scheduling a meeting.
isTextLiveTranslationEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Determine whether the translated captions feature is enabled.
isThirdPartyAudioSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if the 3rd PARTY AUDIO of current user is enabled while scheduling a meeting.
isThread() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatMessage
Determine if the current message is part of a message thread, and can be directly replied to.
isTimerAutoStopBOEnabled - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
true: if time is up, will stop BO auto.
isTransferMeetingEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.INotificationServiceHelper
Determine whether the transfer meeting feature is enabled.
isTurnOffMyVideoWhenJoinMeetingEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Query if the video is turned off when the current user joins the meeting.
isTurnOnAttendeeVideoByDefault() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if the PARTICIPANT'S VIDEO is turned on by default while scheduling a meeting.
isTurnOnHostVideoByDefault() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.AccountService
Query if the HOST'S VIDEO is turned on by default while scheduling a meeting.
isUnencryptedExceptionDataValid() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController
Determine whether unencrypted exception data such as InMeetingEncryptionController.getUnencryptedExceptionCount() and InMeetingEncryptionController.getUnencryptedExceptionInfo() is valid This method can only be called when the encryption type is EncryptionType.Enhanced
isUserConfigMaxRoomUserLimitsEnabled - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
Enable/Disable that max roomUser limits in BO room.
isUserPinned(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Query if the current user's video is pinned.
isUserVideoSpotLighted(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Query if the user's video is spotlighted.
isVideoAutoFramingEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Determine whether auto-framing is enabled.
isVideoEnabledInWaitingRoom() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Determine if the attendee is enabled to turn on video when joining the meeting.
isViewerAnnotationDisabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Query currently sender disabled the viewer's annotation or not.
isViewOnly - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
View only or not.
isVisibleToUser() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
isWaitingRoomOnEntryFlagOn() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Query if it is able to make the attendees enter waiting room when they join the current meeting.
isWaitingRoomOnEntryLocked() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
isWebinarEmojiReactionAllowed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Query if emoji reactions status.
isWebinarEmojiReactionSupported() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Determine if current webinar supports emoji reactions.
isWebinarMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current meeting is a webinar.
isWebPreAssignBOEnabled() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
Check whether web enabled the pre-assigned option when scheduling a meeting.
isWhiteboardLegalNoticeAvailable() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Whether whiteboard legal notice is available
IVirtualBGImageInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Virtual background image info
IZoomRetrieveSMSVerificationCodeHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IZoomSDKAudioRawDataDelegate - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Zoom SDK Audio raw data callback.
IZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IZoomSDKAudioRawDataSender - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IZoomSDKRenderer - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate.UserRawDataStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
IZoomSDKVirtualAudioMicEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
IZoomVerifySMSVerificationCodeHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk


join_token - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
Join Meeting token.
joinBo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendee
joinBO(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAssistant
joinBOByUserRequest(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
joinLanguageChannel(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Join a language channel
JoinMeetingOptions - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting Options for Joining a Meeting.
JoinMeetingOptions() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingOptions
JoinMeetingParam4WithoutLogin - Class in us.zoom.sdk
JoinMeetingParam4WithoutLogin() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParam4WithoutLogin
JoinMeetingParams - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Joining meeting Parameters.
JoinMeetingParams() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
joinMeetingWithParams(Context, JoinMeetingParams, JoinMeetingOptions) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Start a ZOOM meeting with specified arguments.
joinSignLanguageChannel(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Listener (for non interpreter) Join a sign language channel if myself is not a sign interpreter.
Joy - us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
jwtToken - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
jwtToken got from developer.


KICK_BY_HOST - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEndReason
Host kicks off the meeting.


leaveBo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendee
leaveBO() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAssistant
leaveCurrentMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Leave the current meeting.
leaveCurrentMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Leave the current meeting.
leaveSignLanguageChannel() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Listener (for non interpreter) Off sign language if myself is not a sign interpreter.
leftMargin - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
The position of left video frame apart from the edge of the monitor.
Light - us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
LiveStreamChannel(String, String) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.LiveStreamChannel
LocalRecordingRequestPrivilege_AllowRequest - us.zoom.sdk.LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus
LocalRecordingRequestPrivilege_AutoDeny - us.zoom.sdk.LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus
LocalRecordingRequestPrivilege_AutoGrant - us.zoom.sdk.LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus
LocalRecordingRequestPrivilege_None - us.zoom.sdk.LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus
LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
LOCK_SHARE - us.zoom.sdk.ShareSettingType
Only host can share, the same as "lock share"
lockMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query if the current meeting is locked by host or co-host.
lockShare(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
The host/co-host can use this function to lock current meeting share.
logoutZoom() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Logout ZOOM SDK.
logSize - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
Log File Size.
lowerAllHands(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Cancel all hands raised.
lowerHand(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
The current user puts hands down.


makeHost(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Assign a user as the host in meeting.
Medium - us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
MediumDark - us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
MediumLight - us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
MEETING_CONNECT_FAILED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEvent
Failed to connect to a meeting.
MEETING_CONNECTED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEvent
Connected to a meeting.
MEETING_CONNECTING - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEvent
Start to connecting to a meeting.
MEETING_DISCONNECTED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEvent
Not connected or connecting to a meeting.
MEETING_ERROR_APP_PRIVILEGE_TOKEN_ERROR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
App privilege token error.
MEETING_ERROR_BLOCKED_BY_ACCOUNT_ADMIN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Join failed because this Meeting SDK key is blocked by the host’s account admin.
MEETING_ERROR_CLIENT_INCOMPATIBLE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
ZOOM SDK version is too low to connect to the meeting.
MEETING_ERROR_DISALLOW_HOST_RESGISTER_WEBINAR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
It is disallowed to register the webinar with the host's email.
MEETING_ERROR_DISALLOW_PANELIST_REGISTER_WEBINAR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
It is disallowed to register the webinar with the panelist's email.
MEETING_ERROR_EXIT_WHEN_WAITING_HOST_START - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
User leaves the meeting when waiting for the host to start.
MEETING_ERROR_HOST_DENY_EMAIL_REGISTER_WEBINAR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
The registration of the webinar is rejected by the host.
MEETING_ERROR_HOST_DISALLOW_OUTSIDE_USER_JOIN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Forbidden to join meeting
MEETING_ERROR_INCORRECT_MEETING_NUMBER - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
The meeting number is wrong.
MEETING_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Meeting is failed due to invalid arguments.
MEETING_ERROR_INVALID_STATUS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Meeting API can not be called now.
MEETING_ERROR_JMAK_USER_EMAIL_NOT_MATCH - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Jmak user email not match
MEETING_ERROR_LOCKED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Meeting is locked.
MEETING_ERROR_MEETING_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Meeting dose not exist.
MEETING_ERROR_MEETING_OVER - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Meeting ends.
MEETING_ERROR_MMR_ERROR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
MMR server error.
MEETING_ERROR_NEED_SIGN_IN_FOR_PRIVATE_MEETING - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Need sign in using the same account as the meeting organizer.
MEETING_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Network error.
MEETING_ERROR_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
The network is unavailable.
MEETING_ERROR_NO_MMR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
There is no MMR server available for the current meeting.
MEETING_ERROR_REGISTER_WEBINAR_FULL - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
The number of registers exceeds the upper limit of webinar.
MEETING_ERROR_REMOVED_BY_HOST - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Meeting fail.
MEETING_ERROR_RESTRICTED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Meeting is restricted.
MEETING_ERROR_RESTRICTED_JBH - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
It is disabled to join meeting before host.
MEETING_ERROR_SESSION_ERROR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Session error.
MEETING_ERROR_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Start meeting successfully.
MEETING_ERROR_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
MEETING_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_JOIN_EXTERNAL_MEETING - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
To join a meeting hosted by an external Zoom account, your SDK app has to be published on Zoom Marketplace.
MEETING_ERROR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Unknown error.
MEETING_ERROR_USER_FULL - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
The number of participants exceeds the upper limit.
MEETING_ERROR_WEB_SERVICE_FAILED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
Failed to request web service.
MEETING_ERROR_WEBINAR_ENFORCE_LOGIN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingError
User needs to log in if he wants to join the webinar.
meeting_host - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
Meeting host.
meeting_number - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
Meeting number.
MEETING_READY_TO_JOIN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingEvent
Meeting is ready to join.
MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Connect to the meeting server.
MEETING_STATUS_DISCONNECTING - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Disconnect the meeting server, user leaves meeting.
MEETING_STATUS_ENDED - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Failed to connect the meeting server.
MEETING_STATUS_FAILED - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Failed to connect the meeting server.
MEETING_STATUS_IDLE - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
No meeting is running.
MEETING_STATUS_IN_WAITING_ROOM - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Participants who join the meeting before the start are in the waiting room.
MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Meeting is ready and in process.
Join the breakout room.
Leave the breakout room.
MEETING_STATUS_LOCKED - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Meeting is locked to prevent the further participants to join the meeting.
MEETING_STATUS_RECONNECTING - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Reconnecting meeting server.
MEETING_STATUS_UNKNOWN - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Unknown status.
MEETING_STATUS_UNLOCKED - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Meeting is open and participants can join the meeting.
Waiting for the host to start the meeting.
Demote the attendees from the panelist.
MEETING_STATUS_WEBINAR_PROMOTE - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Upgrade the attendees to panelist in webinar.
meeting_topic - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
Meeting topic.
meeting_type - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
Meeting type.
MEETING_TYPE_BREAKOUTROOM - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingType
Breakout meeting.
MEETING_TYPE_NONE - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingType
For initialization.
MEETING_TYPE_NORMAL - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingType
Ordinary meeting.
MEETING_TYPE_WEBINAR - us.zoom.sdk.MeetingType
meeting_views_options - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Meeting view options.
MeetingEndReason - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Enumeration of reasons for ending/leaving meeting.
MeetingError - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting errors.
MeetingEvent - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting event
MeetingInviteItemInfo(String, String, String, long, String, String) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteItemInfo
MeetingInviteMenuItem - Class in us.zoom.sdk
MeetingInviteMenuItem(String, int, MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteAction) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingInviteMenuItem
MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteAction - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
MeetingInviteMenuItem.MeetingInviteItemInfo - Class in us.zoom.sdk
MeetingItem - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting item interface.
MeetingItem.AudioType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Audio types when participants join the meeting..
MeetingItem.AutoRecordType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting auto-recording types.
MeetingItem.RepeatType - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting recurring types.
meetingNo - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
The scheduled meeting number.
meetingNo - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParams
The number of scheduled meeting.
MeetingOptions - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Options to enable/disable functions in meeting.
MeetingOptions() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
MeetingParameter - Class in us.zoom.sdk
MeetingParameter() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
MeetingService - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM meeting service.
MeetingServiceListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM meeting service listener.
MeetingSettingsHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM meeting settings.
MeetingStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting status.
MeetingType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
MeetingViewsOptions - Class in us.zoom.sdk
The visibility of options on meeting view.
MeetingViewsOptions() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
MinMeetingView - Class in us.zoom.sdk
MinMeetingView(Context) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MinMeetingView
MinMeetingView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MinMeetingView
MinMeetingView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MinMeetingView
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_OperationType_Add - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType
Live transcription operation type is add, means a new live transcription item is arrive.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_OperationType_Complete - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType
Live transcription operation type is complete, means an existed live transcription item has been completed.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_OperationType_Delete - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType
Live transcription operation type is delete, means an existed live transcription item has been deleted.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_OperationType_None - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType
Live transcription operation type is none, means no operate.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_OperationType_NotSupported - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType
Live transcription operation type is not supported, means from speaking language to translation language is not supported.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_OperationType_Update - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType
Live transcription operation type is update, means an existed live transcription item has been updated.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_Status_Connecting - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionStatus
Live transcription connecting.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_Status_Start - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionStatus
Live transcription start.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_Status_Stop - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionStatus
Live transcription not start.
MobileRTC_LiveTranscription_Status_User_Sub - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionStatus
Live transcription user sub
MobileRTCChatGroup_All - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCChatGroup
All participants in the meeting.
MobileRTCChatGroup_Panelists - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCChatGroup
Panelists in the webinar.
MobileRTCChatGroup_SilentModeUsers - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCChatGroup
chat to waiting room user
MobileRTCDialinCountry - Class in us.zoom.sdk
MobileRTCDialinCountry() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
MobileRTCDialinCountry(String, boolean, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Create an instance for the MobileRTCDialinCountry.
MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
emoji feedback type.
MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType_Away - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType
MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType_No - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType
MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType_None - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType
MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType_SlowDown - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType
MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType_SpeedUp - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType
MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType_Yes - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType
MobileRTCFocusModeShareType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
MobileRTCFocusModeShareType_AllParticipants - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCFocusModeShareType
MobileRTCFocusModeShareType_HostOnly - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCFocusModeShareType
MobileRTCFocusModeShareType_None - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCFocusModeShareType
MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus_StartFailedOrEnded - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus
Failed to live stream.
MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus_StartSuccessed - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus
Start live streaming successfully.
MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus_StartTimeout - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus
Startup timeout.
MobileRTCMicrophoneError_FeedbackDetected - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController.MobileRTCMicrophoneError
The microphone is not detected.
MobileRTCMicrophoneError_MicMuted - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController.MobileRTCMicrophoneError
The microphone is muted.
MobileRTCMicrophoneError_MicUnavailable - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController.MobileRTCMicrophoneError
The microphone is not available.
MobileRTCRawData_Audio_Module_Error - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Audio_Module_Not_Ready - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Hare_Module_Error - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Invalid_Param - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Malloc_Failed - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_No_Audio_Data - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_No_License - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_No_Share_Data - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_No_Video_Data - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Not_In_Meeting - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_SHARE_CANNOT_SUBSCRIBE_MYSELF - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Share_Module_Not_Ready - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Success - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Uninitialized - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Video_device_error - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Video_Module_Error - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Video_Module_Not_Ready - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawData_Wrongusage - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
MobileRTCRawDataError - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
MobileRTCRemoteControl_Del - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController.MobileRTCRemoteControlInputType
Press the key Delete to remove unwanted shared content.
MobileRTCRemoteControl_Return - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController.MobileRTCRemoteControlInputType
Press the key Enter for newline.
MobileRTCRenderInfo - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Render information of ZOOM video view unit: location and size.
MobileRTCRenderInfo(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
MobileRTCSDKError - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
MobileRTCShareView - Class in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM sharing view container.
MobileRTCShareView(Context) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCShareView
MobileRTCShareView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCShareView
MobileRTCSMSVerificationError - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
MobileRTCVideoRender(SDKVideoView, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView.MobileRTCVideoRender
MobileRTCVideoUnitAspectMode - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Enumeration of video aspect modes.
MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Render information of meeting video unit.
MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
Render information of meeting video unit.
MobileRTCVideoView - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting video view class.
MobileRTCVideoView(Context) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
MobileRTCVideoView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
MobileRTCVideoView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
MobileRTCVideoView.MobileRTCVideoRender - Class in us.zoom.sdk
MobileRTCVideoViewManager - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting MobileRTCVideoView manager class.
modifyInterpreter(long, int, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Update interpreter language information.
modifySignInterpreterLanguage(long, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Modify the language of a sign interpreter.
MULTI_SHARE - us.zoom.sdk.ShareSettingType
Anyone can share, Multi-share can exist at the same time
muteAllAttendeeAudio(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Mute all attendees by the host.
muteAttendeeAudio(boolean, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Mute/unmute the attendee's audio by the host.
muteMyAudio(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Query if the user can mute the audio himself.
muteMyVideo(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set to mute/unmute the video.


Network_Bad - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.SDK_NETWORK_STATUS
Network_Good - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.SDK_NETWORK_STATUS
Network_Normal - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.SDK_NETWORK_STATUS
Network_Unknow - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.SDK_NETWORK_STATUS
NetworkConnectionListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Callback event of completing the detection of proxy.
NewMeetingActivity - Class in us.zoom.sdk
NewMeetingActivity() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.NewMeetingActivity
no_audio - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingOptions
Set it to TRUE to disconnect the audio when the user joins the meeting.
no_audio - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingOptions
Set it to TRUE to disconnect the audio when the user joins the meeting.
no_bottom_toolbar - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide TOOLBAR at bottom.
NO_BUTTON_AUDIO - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no button: AUDIO.
NO_BUTTON_LEAVE - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no button: LEAVING.
NO_BUTTON_MORE - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no button: MORE.
NO_BUTTON_PARTICIPANTS - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no button: PARTICIPANTS.
NO_BUTTON_SHARE - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no button: SHARING.
NO_BUTTON_SWITCH_AUDIO_SOURCE - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no button: SWITCH AUDIO SOURCE.
NO_BUTTON_SWITCH_CAMERA - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no button: SWITCH CAMERA.
NO_BUTTON_VIDEO - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no button: VIDEO.
no_chat_msg_toast - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Set whether to hide chat message toast when receive a chat message
no_dial_in_via_phone - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide CALL IN BY PHONE.
no_dial_out_to_phone - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide CALL OUT.
no_disconnect_audio - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide DISCONNECT AUDIO.
no_driving_mode - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide DRIVING MODE.
no_invite - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide INVITATION.
no_meeting_end_message - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide MESSAGE OF ENDING MEETING.
no_meeting_error_message - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide MEETING ERROR MESSAGE.
No_One - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge
No_One - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarChatPriviledge
no_record - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Set whether hide record
no_share - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide SHARE.
NO_TEXT_MEETING_ID - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no text: MEETING ID.
NO_TEXT_PASSWORD - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingViewsOptions
There is no text: PASSWORD.
no_titlebar - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide MEETING TITLE-BAR.
no_unmute_confirm_dialog - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide host unmute yourself confirm dialog.
no_video - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide VIDEO.
no_webinar_register_dialog - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingOptions
Query whether to hide webinar need register dialog.
None - us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
None - us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
None - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.RepeatType
Not recurring.
NONE - us.zoom.sdk.EncryptionType
NONE - us.zoom.sdk.FreeMeetingNeedUpgradeType
normalMeeting_can_chat - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message to chat.
normalMeeting_can_chat_to_all - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message to all.
normalMeeting_can_chat_to_individual - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message to an individual attendee in the meeting.
normalmMeeting_is_only_can_chat_to_host - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message only to the host
NOT_COUNTDOWN - us.zoom.sdk.BOStopCountdown
notifyVideoConfInstanceDestroyed() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
notify conf is destroyed
nUserConfigMaxRoomUserLimits - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
numbers of max roomUser limits in BO room.


OFF_AIR - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
on3DAvatarItemDataDownloaded(boolean, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext.I3DAvatarSettingContextEvent
Callback event notifying that whether or not the selected 3d avatar item has been downloaded successfully.
on3DAvatarItemDataDownloading(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext.I3DAvatarSettingContextEvent
Callback event notifying that the selected 3d avatar item is downloading.
onActiveSpeakerVideoUserChanged(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that the speaker of the active user changes.
onActiveVideoUserChanged(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that the video of the active user changes.
onAddAnswer(String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
add a new answer callback
onAddQuestion(String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
add a new question callback
onAICompanionActiveChangeNotice(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that AI Companion active status changed.
onAllHandsLowered() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event of the host calls the lower all hands interface, the host/cohost/panelist will receive this callback.
onAllowAskQuestionAnonymousStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Callback event of the permission that user is allowed to ask questions anonymously is changed.
onAllowAskQuestionStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Notify host/cohost has changed the status of ask question.
onAllowAttendeeChatResult() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event that attendee is enabled to chat.
onAllowAttendeeCommentQuestionStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Callback event of the permission that user is allowed to answer questions is changed.
onAllowAttendeeRaiseHandStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Callback to attendee rise hand Status Changed.
onAllowAttendeeViewAllQuestionStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Callback event of the permission that attendee is allowed to view all questions is changed.
onAllowAttendeeViewTheParticipantCountStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Callback to attendee view the participant count status Changed.
onAllowAttendeeVoteupQuestionStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Callback event of the permission that attendee is allowed to submit questions is changed.
onAllowPanelistStartVideoNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event that panelist is enabled to start video.
onAllowParticipantsRenameNotification(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that participants rename self
onAllowParticipantsRequestCloudRecording(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event that lets participants request that the host starts cloud recording.
onAllowParticipantsShareWhiteBoardNotification(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that participants allow share new white board
onAllowParticipantsStartVideoNotification(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that participants start video
onAllowParticipantsUnmuteSelfNotification(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that participants allow unmute self
onAllowWebinarReactionStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Callback for when the host enables/disables emoji reactions.
onAnnotationSupportChanaged(int, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.InMeetingAnnotationListener
Sink the event that the share user share status changed..
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onAttendeeAudioStatusNotification(long, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event that attendee's audio status changes.
onAttendeePromoteConfirmResult(boolean, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
When attendee agree or decline the promote invitation, host will receive this callback.
onAvailableLanguageListUpdated(List<IInterpretationLanguage>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent
onAvailableSignLanguageListUpdated(List<ISignInterpretationLanguageInfo>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent
Available sign languages changed callback.
onBOCreateSuccess(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreatorEvent
onBOEndTimerUpdated(int, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdminEvent
if it's timer BO, after start BO, you will receive the event.
onBOInfoUpdated(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBODataEvent
onBOListInfoUpdated() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBODataEvent
onBOOptionChanged(BOOption) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
You will receive the event when the option changes.
onBOStatusChanged(BOStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
When host change the BO status, all users receive the event
onBOStopCountDown(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
When BOOption.countdown_seconds != BO_STOP_NOT_COUNTDOWN, host stop BO and all users receive the event.
onBOSwitchRequestReceived(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
Whenever the host switches you to another BO while you are assigned but haven't joined the BO, you will receive this event.
onBroadcastBOVoiceStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
The status of broadcasting voice to bo has been changed.
onCallMeStatus(PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus, PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelperListener
Invite others to join the meeting by CALL ME and give the response to the application according to the status.
onCallOutRoomSystemStatusChanged(InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemListener
Callback event that room outgoing call status changes.
onCaptionStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener
Sink the event of captions enabled status changed.
onChatMessageReceived(InMeetingChatMessage) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that a new chat message is received.
onChatMsgDeleteNotification(String, ChatMessageDeleteType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Chat message be deleted callback.
onClick(Context, ICustomShareOptionItem) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ICustomShareOptionItem.IShareOptionAction
Called when a share option item has been clicked.
onClickAudioButton() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
onClickAudioButton() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
Handle this click event to process audio button
onClickEndButton() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
onClickEndButton() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
Handle this click event to process leave meeting button
onClickInviteButton(Context, List<IMeetingInviteMenuItem>) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
onClickInviteButton(Context, List<IMeetingInviteMenuItem>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
onClickMoreButton() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
onClickMoreButton() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
Handle this click event to process more button
onClickParticipantsButton() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
onClickParticipantsButton() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
Handle this click event to process participants button
onClickShareButton() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
onClickShareButton() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
Handle this click event to process share button
onClickVideoButton() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
onClickVideoButton() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
Handle this click event to process video button
onClosedCaptionReceived(String, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event that user receives the Closed Caption.
onCloudRecordingStorageFull(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
An event sink that the cloud recording storage is full.
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MinMeetingView
onContactPresenceChanged(String, SDKPresenceStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
Contact presence changed callback.
onCustomWaitingRoomDataUpdated(InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomData, InMeetingWaitingRoomController.IWaitingRoomDataDownloadHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener
During the waiting room, this callback event will be triggered when InMeetingWaitingRoomController.requestCustomWaitingRoomData() called.
onDeleteAnswer(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Revoke answer deleted callback
onDeleteQuestion(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Revoke Question deleted callback
onDepromptPanelist2AttendeeResult(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event of the result of demoting the panelist to attendee.
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onDialOutStatusChanged(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.DialOutStatusListener
Outgoing call status changes.
onDirectShareStatusUpdate(DirectShareStatus, IDirectShareViaMeetingIDOrPairingCodeHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareServiceHelperEvent
onDisallowAttendeeChatResult() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event that attendee is disabled to chat.
onDisallowPanelistStartVideoNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event that panelist is disabled to start video.
onDoubleTap(MotionEvent) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onDown(MotionEvent) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onDrawFrame(GL10, VideoRenderer) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView.MobileRTCVideoRender
onE2EEMeetingSecurityCodeChanged() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController.InMeetingEncryptionControllerListener
This callback will be called when the security code changes
onEmojiFeedbackCanceled(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionControllerEvent
Emoji feedback canceled callback.
onEmojiFeedbackReceived(long, MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionControllerEvent
Emoji feedback received callback.
onEmojiReactionReceived(long, SDKEmojiReactionType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionControllerEvent
Emoji reaction callback.
onEmojiReactionReceivedInWebinar(SDKEmojiReactionType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionControllerEvent
Emoji reaction callback.
onFling(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onFocusModeShareTypeChanged(MobileRTCFocusModeShareType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
The focus mode share type was changed by the Host/Co-Host.
onFocusModeStateChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
The focus mode state was changed by the host or co-host.
onFollowHostVideoOrderChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the status of following host's video order changed.
onFreeMeetingNeedToUpgrade(FreeMeetingNeedUpgradeType, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
The callback of upgrading the free meeting.
onFreeMeetingReminder(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Inform user that free meeting will be ended in 10 minutes.
onFreeMeetingUpgradeToGiftFreeTrialStart() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback function of starting to upgrade the free meeting by the gift link.
onFreeMeetingUpgradeToGiftFreeTrialStop() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback function of ending upgrade the free meeting by the gift link.
onFreeMeetingUpgradeToProMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback function of free meting upgrades successfully.
onGetRightAnswerListPrivilege(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent
Callback event for the user get right answer list privilege changed.
onGLSurfaceChanged(int, int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView.MobileRTCVideoRender
onGLSurfaceCreated() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView.MobileRTCVideoRender
onGLSurfaceDestoryed() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView.MobileRTCVideoRender
onHasAdminRightsNotification(IBOAdmin) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onHasAssistantRightsNotification(IBOAssistant) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onHasAttendeeRightsNotification(IBOAttendee) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onHasCreatorRightsNotification(IBOCreator) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onHasDataHelperRightsNotification(IBOData) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onHelpRequestHandleResultReceived(IBOAttendeeEvent.ATTENDEE_REQUEST_FOR_HELP_RESULT) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendeeEvent
onHelpRequestReceived(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdminEvent
onHostAskStartVideo(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that host ask unmute user's video.
onHostAskUnMute(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that host ask unmute user's audio.
onHostInviteReturnToMainSession(String, ReturnToMainSessionHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
When you are in BO, host invite you return to main session, you will receive the event
onHostJoinedThisBOMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendeeEvent
onHostLeaveThisBOMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendeeEvent
onHostVideoOrderUpdated(List<Long>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink event of the host video order changes.
onInitialize(ZoomSDKVideoSender, List<ZoomSDKVideoCapability>, ZoomSDKVideoCapability) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSource
onInMeetingUserAvatarPathUpdated(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
The user avatar path is updated in the meeting
onInterpretationStart() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent
onInterpretationStop() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent
onInterpreterActiveLanguageChanged(int, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent
onInterpreterLanguageChanged(int, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent
onInterpreterLanguagesUpdated(List<IInterpretationLanguage>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent
Callback to indicate that the list of available languages that interpreters can hear has changed.
onInterpreterListChanged() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent
onInterpreterRoleChanged(int, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent
onInvalidReclaimHostkey() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Reclaim host By host key error callback
onInviteCallOutUserStatus(PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus, PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelperListener
Invite others by telephone call-out and send the response to the application according to the others' status.
onItemClick(Context, IMeetingInviteItemInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingInviteAction
onJoinWebinarNeedUserNameAndEmail(InMeetingEventHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
The function will be invoked when a user joins a webinar that needs username and email.
onLiveStreamStatusChange(InMeetingLiveStreamController.MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener
Callback event when live streaming status changes.
onLiveTranscriptionMsgError(InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionLanguage, InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionLanguage) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener
The translation message error callback.
onLiveTranscriptionMsgReceived(ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener
live transcription message received callback.
onLiveTranscriptionStatus(InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener
Sink the event of live transcription status
onLocalRecordingPrivilegeRequested(IRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event when a user requests local recording privilege.
onLocalRecordingStatus(long, InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Local Recording status notify callback.
onLocalVideoOrderUpdated(List<Long>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event of the local video order changes.
onLongPress(MotionEvent) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onLostAdminRightsNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onLostAssistantRightsNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onLostAttendeeRightsNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onLostCreatorRightsNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onLostDataHelperRightsNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onLowOrRaiseHandStatusChanged(long, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that the hand status changes.
onMeetingAcceptedByOtherDevice(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
Callback to accept a meeting invitation on another device.
onMeetingActiveVideo(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that Active video user changed .
onMeetingCoHostChange(long, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that meeting co-host changes.
onMeetingDeclinedByOtherDevice(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
Callback to decline a meeting invitation on another device.
onMeetingDeviceListChanged(List<InMeetingDeviceInfo>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.INotificationServiceEvent
Callback event that the device for users to attend the meeting has changed.
onMeetingFail(int, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event of meeting starts failed or user joins meeting failed
onMeetingHostChanged(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that the host of meeting changes.
onMeetingInvitationCanceled(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
The meeting invitation canceled by inviter callback.
onMeetingInvitationDeclined(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
Callback to decline a meeting invitation.
onMeetingLeaveComplete(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that user has left meeting.
onMeetingLockStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that meeting lock status change
onMeetingNeedCloseOtherMeeting(InMeetingEventHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that it is needed to close another ongoing meeting.
onMeetingNeedPasswordOrDisplayName(boolean, boolean, InMeetingEventHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event if the meeting needs a password or a screen name.
onMeetingParameterNotification(MeetingParameter) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingServiceListener
The callback will be triggered right before the meeting starts.
onMeetingQAStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Callback event of meeting QA feature status changes.
onMeetingStatusChanged(MeetingStatus, int, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingServiceListener
Callback event that meeting status changes.
onMeetingUserJoin(List<Long>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event of a new user joins the meeting.
onMeetingUserLeave(List<Long>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that user leaves the meeting.
onMeetingUserUpdated(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that user's information in the meeting is upgraded.
onMicInitialize(IZoomSDKAudioRawDataSender) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVirtualAudioMicEvent
Callback for virtual audio mic to do some initialization
onMicrophoneStatusError(InMeetingAudioController.MobileRTCMicrophoneError) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event of user's microphone errors.
onMicStartSend() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVirtualAudioMicEvent
Callback for virtual audio mic can send raw data with 'sender'.
onMicStopSend() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVirtualAudioMicEvent
Callback for virtual audio mic should stop send raw data.
onMicUninitialized() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVirtualAudioMicEvent
Callback for virtual audio mic is uninitialized.
onMixedAudioRawDataReceived(ZoomSDKAudioRawData) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKAudioRawDataDelegate
mixed audio raw data received callback
onMyAudioSourceTypeChanged(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that the output type of the current user's audio source changes.
onMyVideoRotationChangedForShareCamera(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCShareView
Set to rotate the user's camera share view.
onNeedRealNameAuthMeetingNotification(List<ZoomSDKCountryCode>, String, IZoomRetrieveSMSVerificationCodeHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsListener
onNewBroadcastMessageReceived(String, long, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOControllerListener
onNotificationServiceStatus(ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus, SDKNotificationServiceError) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener
Notification service status changed callback.
onOneWayAudioRawDataReceived(ZoomSDKAudioRawData, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKAudioRawDataDelegate
User audio raw data received callback
onOriginalLanguageMsgReceived(ILiveTranscriptionMessageInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener
original language message received callback.
onParingRoomSystemResult(InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemListener
Callback event of the result of room system pairing.
onParticipantProfilePictureStatusChange(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that participant profile status change
onPause() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
Pause videoview rendering.
onPermissionRequested(String[]) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Context: When the SDK is joining a meeting on Android 12 and trying to connect to the audio, it will require additional system permission.
onPollingActionResult(SDKPollingActionType, String, boolean, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent
Polling action result callback.
onPollingElapsedTime(String, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent
Polling elapsed time callback.
onPollingInactive() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent
Polling inactive callback.
onPollingListUpdated() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent
Polling list updated callback.
onPollingQuestionImageDownloaded(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent
Polling question item image downloaded callback.
onPollingResultUpdated(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent
Polling result updated callback.
onPollingStatusChanged(String, SDKPollingStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent
Polling status changed callback.
onPreProcessRawData(ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessor
onPromptAttendee2PanelistResult(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event of the result of promoting the attendee to panelist.
onPropertyChange(List<ZoomSDKVideoCapability>, ZoomSDKVideoCapability) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSource
onProxySettingNotification(ProxySettingHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.NetworkConnectionListener
The callback will be triggered if the proxy requests to input the username and password.
onQAConnected(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
The function will be invoked once QA listener connected or disconnected.
onQAConnectStarted() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
The function will be invoked once QA listener starts to connect.
onQuestionMarkedAsDismissed(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Question marked as dismiss
onRawLiveStreamPrivilegeChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener
Callback event when the current user's raw live streaming privilege changes.
onRawLiveStreamPrivilegeRequestTimeout() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener
Callback event when the current user's request times out.
onReceiveAnswer(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
The function will be invoked once a new answer is received.
onReceiveInvitationToMeeting(IInvitationMeetingHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
Receive meeting invitation callback.
onReceiveQuestion(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
The function will be invoked once a new question is received.
onRecordingStatus(InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Cloud Recording status notify callback.
onReminderNotify(IReminderHelper.IReminderContent, IReminderHelper.IReminderHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.IReminderEvent
Callback event when the reminder dialog displays.
onReopenQuestion(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Question reopen callback
onRequestCloudRecordingResponse(InMeetingCloudRecordController.RequestStartCloudRecordingStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.InMeetingCloudRecordingListener
Callback event for when the host responds to a cloud recording permission request.
onRequestContactDetailInfo(List<IContactInfo>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
Request contact detail information list callback.
onRequestForLiveTranscriptReceived(long, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener
Sink the event of request for start the live transcription.
onRequestLiveTranscriptionStatusChange(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener
Sink the event of request live transcription status change.
onRequestLocalRecordingPrivilegeChanged(LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event that requests local recording privilege changes.
onRequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeRequested(RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener
Callback event when a user requests raw live streaming privilege.
onRequestSignInterpreterToTalk() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent
Callback event of the requirement to unmute the audio.
onRequestStarContact(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
Star contact list change callback.
onResume() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
Resume videoview rendering.
onRetrieveSMSVerificationCodeResultNotification(MobileRTCSMSVerificationError, IZoomVerifySMSVerificationCodeHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsListener
onRevokeUpvoteQuestion(String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Revoke Upvote Question callback
onScroll(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onSelfAllowTalkNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event that attendees are allowed to talk.
onSelfDisallowTalkNotification() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener
Sink the event that attendees are forbidden to talk.
onShareActiveUser(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController.InMeetingShareListener
onShareAudioRawDataReceived(ZoomSDKAudioRawData) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKAudioRawDataDelegate
share audio raw data received callback
onShareMeetingChatStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that share meeting chat status is changed
onShareSettingTypeChanged(ShareSettingType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController.InMeetingShareListener
Sink the event when host changed the share setting type All participant will receive this callback, UI layer need stop sending share when receive this callback message
onShareUserReceivingStatus(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController.InMeetingShareListener
Sink the event of the status that user receives the sharing.
onSharingStatus(SharingStatus, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController.InMeetingShareListener
onShowPress(MotionEvent) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onSignInterpretationStatusChanged(InMeetingSignInterpretationController.SignInterpretationStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent
Sign interpretation status change callback.
onSignInterpreterLanguageChanged() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent
Sign interpreter languages changed callback.
onSignInterpreterListChanged() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent
Sign interpreter list changed callback.
onSignInterpreterRoleChanged() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent
Interpreters role changed callback.
onSilentModeChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
user silent mode change callback
onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
onSinkAllowAttendeeChatNotification(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
The function will be invoked when the chat privilege of attendees changes.
onSinkAttendeeChatPriviledgeChanged(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
The function will be invoked when the chat privilege of attendees changes.
onSinkJoin3rdPartyTelephonyAudio(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event that requests to join third party telephony audio.
onSinkMeetingVideoQualityChanged(VideoQuality, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Notify that user's video quality changes.
onSinkPanelistChatPrivilegeChanged(InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarPanelistChatPrivilege) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
The function will be invoked when the chat privilege of webinar panelists changes.
onSmartSummaryPrivilegeRequested(long, InMeetingSmartSummaryController.ISmartSummaryPrivilegeHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController.InMeetingSmartSummaryListener
Callback event when a user requests the host to start smart summary.
onSmartSummaryStartReqResponse(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController.InMeetingSmartSummaryListener
Callback event when the host handle the smart summary request.
onSmartSummaryStatusChange(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController.InMeetingSmartSummaryListener
Callback event when smart summary status changes.
onSpotlightVideoChanged(List<Long>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event for when the video spotlight user list changes.
onSSLCertVerifyNotification(SSLCertVerificationHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.NetworkConnectionListener
The callback will be triggered when the SSL is verified.
onStarContactListChanged(List<String>, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelperEvent
Star contact list changed callback.
onStartBOError(BOControllerError) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdminEvent
onStartCloudRecordingRequested(InMeetingCloudRecordController.IRequestStartCloudRecordingHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.InMeetingCloudRecordingListener
Callback event received only by the host when a user requests to start cloud recording.
onStartSend() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSource
onStartSend(ZoomSDKShareSender) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKShareSource
onStartSendAudio(ZoomSDKShareAudioSender) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKShareAudioSource
Callback for audio source can start send raw data.
onStopSend() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKShareSource
onStopSend() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSource
onStopSendAudio() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKShareAudioSource
Callback for audio source to stop send raw data.
onSubscribeUserFail(int, int, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ICustomizedVideoSink
Callback when subscribe fail
onSuspendParticipantsActivities() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event when meeting be suspended.
onTalkPrivilegeChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent
Callback event for the user talk privilege changed.
onTransferMeetingStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.INotificationServiceEvent
Transfer meeting status changed callback.
onUnAssignedUserUpdated() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBODataEvent
onUninitialized() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSource
onUpvoteQuestion(String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
Upvote Question callback
onUserAudioStatusChanged(long, InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that user's audio status changes.
onUserAudioTypeChanged(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that user's audio type changes.
onUserEndLiving(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
User end Living Reply callback
onUserGetRemoteControlPrivilege(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController.InMeetingRemoteControlListener
Callback once the privilege of remote control is changed.
onUserLivingReply(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener
User Living Reply callback
onUserNamesChanged(List<Long>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event of changing the screen name.
onUserRawDataStatusChanged(IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate.UserRawDataStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate
Subscribe source video/share status changed.
onUserRawLiveStreamingStatusChanged(List<RawLiveStreamInfo>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener
Callback event when users start or stop raw live streaming
onUserRawLiveStreamPrivilegeChanged(long, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener
Callback event when another user's raw live streaming privilege changes
onUserVideoStatusChanged(long, InMeetingServiceListener.VideoStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Sink the event that user's video status changes.
onUVCCameraStatusChange(String, InMeetingServiceListener.UVCCameraStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback is invoked when external uvc camera status changes.
onVerifySMSVerificationCodeResultNotification(MobileRTCSMSVerificationError) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsListener
onVideoAlphaChannelStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
Callback event of alpha channel mode changes.
onVideoRawDataFrame(ZoomSDKVideoRawData) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate
Video raw data callback
onVideoSceneChanged(VideoScene, VideoScene) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
onVideoSceneChanged(VideoScene, VideoScene) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIDelegate
This callback is invoked when video scene changed
onWaitingRoomEntranceEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener
this callback event will be triggered when host or cohost enables or disables waiting room entrance
onWaitingRoomPresetAudioStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener
During the waiting room, this callback event will be triggered when host change audio status.
onWaitingRoomPresetVideoStatusChanged(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener
During the waiting room, this callback event will be triggered when host change video status.
onWaitingRoomUserNameChanged(long, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener
Callback indicating that the name of a user in the waiting room has changed.
onWatingRoomUserJoin(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener
Callback event that user joins the waiting room.
onWatingRoomUserLeft(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener
Callback event that user leaves waiting room.
onWebinarNeedInputScreenName(InMeetingEventHandler) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
When joining the webinar, this callback is triggered if the user needs to input a username.
onWebinarNeedRegister(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener
During the webinar, this callback event will be triggered if the user needs to register.
onWebPreAssignBODataDownloadStatusChanged(PreAssignBODataStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreatorEvent
When the pre-assigned data download status changes, you will receive the event.
onWhiteboardSettingsChanged(SDKWhiteboardShareOption, SDKWhiteboardCreateOption, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardCtrlEvent
Callback event of whiteboard setting type changed.
onWhiteboardStatusChanged(SDKWhiteboardStatus) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardCtrlEvent
Whiteboard status changed callback.
onZoomAuthIdentityExpired() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener
ZOOM jwt token is expired, please generate a new jwt token.
onZoomAuthIdentityExpired() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitializeListener
ZOOM jwt token is expired, please generate a new jwt token.
onZoomIdentityExpired() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener
ZOOM access token is expired, please re-login or get a new zoom access token via REST API.
onZoomSDKInitializeResult(int, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitializeListener
Callback event that ZOOM SDK initialize successfully or failed.
onZoomSDKLoginResult(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener
Callback event that ZOOM SDK login successfully or not.
onZoomSDKLogoutResult(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener
Callback event that ZOOM SDK logout successfully or not.
Openmouth - us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
Original - us.zoom.sdk.VideoAspectRatioType


PairingRoomSystem_Meeting_Not_Exist - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult
The meeting does not exist.
PairingRoomSystem_Meeting_Not_Exist - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PairingRoomSystemResult
PairingRoomSystem_No_Privilege - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult
The user has no privilege to enter the meeting.
PairingRoomSystem_No_Privilege - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PairingRoomSystemResult
PairingRoomSystem_Other_Error - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult
Other errors.
PairingRoomSystem_Other_Error - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PairingRoomSystemResult
PairingRoomSystem_Paringcode_Not_Exist - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult
The paring code does not exist.
PairingRoomSystem_Paringcode_Not_Exist - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PairingRoomSystemResult
PairingRoomSystem_Success - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult
Paired successfully.
PairingRoomSystem_Success - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PairingRoomSystemResult
PairingRoomSystem_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult
Unknown error.
PairingRoomSystem_Unknown - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PairingRoomSystemResult
PairingRoomSystemResult - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Pair room system status
password - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
Meeting password.
pauseCloudRecord() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Set to pause recording on the cloud.
pauseCurrentMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Pause the current meeting and mute microphone and speaker.
PhoneFailedReason_Block_High_Rate - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
The call-out is blocked by the system due to the high cost
PhoneFailedReason_Block_No_Host - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
Disable the international call-out function before the host joins the meeting
PhoneFailedReason_Block_Too_Frequent - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
All the users invited by the call should press one(1) to join the meeting.
PhoneFailedReason_Busy - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
The telephone service is busy
PhoneFailedReason_No_Answer - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
The telephone does not reply
PhoneFailedReason_None - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
For initialization
PhoneFailedReason_Not_Available - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
The telephone is out of the service
PhoneFailedReason_Other_Fail - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
Other reasons
PhoneFailedReason_User_Hangup - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
The user hangs up
PhoneHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
PhoneHelper.CallInNumberType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
PhoneHelper.CallInPhoneNumberInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Call-in phone number info
PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
The reason for the telephone call's failure.
PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
PhoneHelper.PhoneSupportCountryInfo - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
PhoneHelperListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting phone helper callback event.
PhoneStatus_Accepted - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
Accept the call
PhoneStatus_Calling - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
In process of calling out
PhoneStatus_Cancel_Failed - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
Cancel fails
PhoneStatus_Canceled - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
Cancel successfully
PhoneStatus_Canceling - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
In process of canceling the response to the previous state
PhoneStatus_Failed - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
Call failed
PhoneStatus_None - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
No status
PhoneStatus_Ringing - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
In process of ringing
PhoneStatus_Success - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
Call successful
PhoneStatus_Timeout - us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
Call timeout
pinVideo(boolean, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set whether to pin user's video or not, which means that during a video conference, the monitor will always display the specified user's view instead of active speaker's video.
PreAssignBODataStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
PreAssignBODataStatus_download_fail - us.zoom.sdk.PreAssignBODataStatus
download fail
PreAssignBODataStatus_download_ok - us.zoom.sdk.PreAssignBODataStatus
download success
PreAssignBODataStatus_downloading - us.zoom.sdk.PreAssignBODataStatus
download in process
PreAssignBODataStatus_none - us.zoom.sdk.PreAssignBODataStatus
initial status, no request was sent
PreMeetingError - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Pre-meeting Error codes.
PreMeetingError_Error_ALTERHOST_NOT_ASSOCIATE_ZOOM - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
Alterhost error
PreMeetingError_Error_ALTERHOST_NOT_IN_ACCOUNT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
Alterhost error
PreMeetingError_Error_ALTERHOST_NOT_PAID_USER - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
Alterhost error
PreMeetingError_ErrorDomain - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
Incorrect domain.
PreMeetingError_ErrorHttpResponse - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
The resource requested does not exist.
PreMeetingError_ErrorInputValidation - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
The information input by user is incorrect.
PreMeetingError_ErrorNoMeetingNumber - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
No meeting number.
PreMeetingError_ErrorService - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
Service is wrong.
PreMeetingError_ErrorTimeOut - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
PreMeetingError_Success - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
Calls API successfully.
PreMeetingError_Unknown - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.PreMeetingError
Unknown error.
PreMeetingService - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM pre-meeting service.
prePopulateWebinarRegistrationInfo(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Preset email and username for webinars which need registration to join, the email and username value will be input to the webinar registration dialog as default.
promptAttendee2Panelist(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Prompt attendee to panelist.
ProxySettingHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
putInWaitingRoom(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Put user into waiting room.


querySessionNetworkStatus(EnumComponentType, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Query network status of current meeting.


raiseMyHand() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
The current user raises hand.
ratio - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.AutoFramingParameter
The zoom in ratio of auto-framing, valid range of values: 1~10(when mode is AutoFramingMode_center_coordinates), 0.1~10(when mode is AutoFramingMode_face_recognition)
RAW_DATA_TYPE_SHARE - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRawDataType
RAW_DATA_TYPE_VIDEO - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRawDataType
RawData_Off - us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate.UserRawDataStatus
RawData_On - us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate.UserRawDataStatus
RawLiveStreamInfo - Class in us.zoom.sdk
information of raw live stream info.
RawLiveStreamInfo(long, String, String) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.RawLiveStreamInfo
ReactionSkinToneType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
reclaimHost() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Reclaim host permission.
Recording_Connecting - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus
Recording_DiskFull - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus
Recording_Fail - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus
Recording_Pause - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus
Recording_Start - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus
Recording_Stop - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus
redo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Redo the last annotation.
registerNotificationService(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Register notification service.
releaseRef() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
releaseRef() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
remoteControlCharInput(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Simulate keyboard input.
remoteControlDoubleScroll(float, float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Simulate a mouse scroll with two fingers scrolling up and down.
remoteControlDoubleTap(float, float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Simulate a mouse double-click with a finger clicking twice successively on the screen.
remoteControlKeyInput(InMeetingRemoteController.MobileRTCRemoteControlInputType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Simulate an Enter key or Delete key on the keyboard.
remoteControlLongPress(float, float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Simulate a mouse right-click with a finger pressing phone screen for more than 3 seconds.
remoteControlSingleMove(float, float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Move remote cursor by dragging mouse icon on phone.
remoteControlSingleTap(float, float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Simulate a mouse click with a finger clicking once on the screen.
remoteControlStarted(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController.InMeetingRemoteControlListener
Callback when the user starts to remote control.
removeActiveVideoUnit() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Remove active video unit from the MobileRTCVideoView.
removeAllAttendeeVideoUnit() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Remove all attendees' video units from the MobileRTCVideoView.
removeAllVideoUnits() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Remove all video units from the MobileRTCVideoView.
removeAttendeeVideoUnit(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Remove the specified attendee's video unit from the MobileRTCVideoView.
removeAuthenticationListener(ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Unregister the listener for the callback events of user authentication.
removeBGImage(IVirtualBGImageInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVirtualBackgroundController
Remove image item from image list, then the previous one will be used for virtual background.
removeBO(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
removeDialOutListener(DialOutStatusListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
removeEventListener(InviteRoomSystemListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper
Unregister the listener for invitation room system.
removeInterpreter(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Remove a interpreter by user id.
removeListener(ICustomizedVideoSink) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Remove listener
removeListener(InMeetingAnnotationController.InMeetingAnnotationListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Unregister the listener.
removeListener(InMeetingBOControllerListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingBOController
Unregister the listener for breakout roomevents.
removeListener(InMeetingCloudRecordController.InMeetingCloudRecordingListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Unregister a listener for cloud recording.
removeListener(InMeetingEncryptionController.InMeetingEncryptionControllerListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEncryptionController
Unregister the listener.
removeListener(InMeetingLiveStreamController.InMeetingLiveStreamListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Unregister a listener for live streaming.
removeListener(InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Unregister the listener.
removeListener(InMeetingRemoteController.InMeetingRemoteControlListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Unregister the listener for remote control event.
removeListener(InMeetingServiceListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Unregister the listener for in-meeting events.
removeListener(InMeetingShareController.InMeetingShareListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Unregister the listener.
removeListener(InMeetingSmartSummaryController.InMeetingSmartSummaryListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Unregister a listener for smart summary.
removeListener(InMeetingWaitingRoomController.InMeetingWaitingRoomListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Unregister the listener.
removeListener(InMeetingWebinarController.InMeetingWebinarListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Unregister the listener.
removeListener(MeetingServiceListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Unregister the listener.
removeListener(PhoneHelperListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper
remove add phone helper listener
removeListener(SmsListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsService
removeMeetingNotification(Context) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Remove the notification of meeting.
removeNetworkConnectionListener(NetworkConnectionListener) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Unregister a listener for the callback event of user authentication.
removePreviewVideoUnit() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Remove video preview unit from the MobileRTCVideoView.
removeQAListener(InMeetingQAController.InMeetingQAListener) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Unregister the listener.
removeRawLiveStreamPrivilege(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Remove the raw live stream privilege.
removeShareVideoUnit() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Remove shared video unit from the MobileRTCVideoView.
removeSignInterpreter(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Remove someone from the list of sign interpreters.
removeUser(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Remove a user from the meeting.
removeUserFromBO(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
renameUser(long, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
Change a user's screen name in the waiting room.
reopenQuestion(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
reopen question Only meeting host/co-host/panelist can run the function.
requestAndUseWebPreAssignBOList() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
Request web pre-assigned data and create those rooms.
requestCustomWaitingRoomData() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController
requestForHelp() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendee
requestRawLiveStream(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Send a request to enable the SDK to start raw live stream.
requestRawLiveStreaming(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Send a request to enable the SDK to start raw live stream.
RequestRawLiveStreamPrivilegeHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Process after the host receives the requirement from the user to give the raw live stream privilege.
requestSignLanguageInterpreterToTalk(long, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Host allow sign language interpreter to talk.
requestStarContact() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
requestStartCloudRecording() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Send a request to ask the host to start cloud recording.
RequestStartCloudRecording_Denied - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.RequestStartCloudRecordingStatus
RequestStartCloudRecording_Granted - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.RequestStartCloudRecordingStatus
RequestStartCloudRecording_TimedOut - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.RequestStartCloudRecordingStatus
requestStartSmartSummary() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Request the host to start the smart summary for the current meeting.
requestToStartLiveTranscription(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Request the host to start live transcription If the meeting allows multi-language transcription,the return value is SDKERR_WRONG_USAGE.
requestUserDetailInfo(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
restartPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Restart the polling.
resumeCloudRecord() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Set to resume recording on the cloud.
resumeCurrentMeeting() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Resume the current meeting.
retrieve(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomRetrieveSMSVerificationCodeHandler
Retry() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.IWaitingRoomDataDownloadHandler
Retry to Download the WaitingRoom CustomizeData information in the waiting room.
returnToMainSession() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ReturnToMainSessionHandler
Return to main session
ReturnToMainSessionHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
handler for return to main session
returnToMeeting(Context) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Place the meeting window to foreground.
revokeCohost(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Revoke co-host role of user in meeting.
RichTextStyle - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Enumerations of the content font style type for chat message.
ROOMDEVICE_BOTH - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
H.323 device and SIP.
ROOMDEVICE_H323 - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
H.323 device.
ROOMDEVICE_SIP - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
ROOMENCRYPT_AUTO - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Meeting room system is encrypted automatically.
ROOMENCRYPT_NO - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Meeting room system is not encrypted.
ROOMENCRYPT_YES - Static variable in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Meeting room system is encrypted.
RoomSystemDevice - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting room device class.
RoomSystemDevice() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
RoomSystemDevice(String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Meeting room system device.
rotateMyVideo(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set to rotate user's video.
ROTATION_ACTION_0 - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSender
ROTATION_ACTION_180 - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSender
ROTATION_ACTION_270 - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSender
ROTATION_ACTION_90 - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSender


ScaleToFit - us.zoom.sdk.VideoAspectRatioType
SDK_CHAT_DELETE_BY_DLP - us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageDeleteType
delete by dlp when the message goes against the host organization's compliance policies.
SDK_CHAT_DELETE_BY_HOST - us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageDeleteType
delete by host
SDK_CHAT_DELETE_BY_NONE - us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageDeleteType
SDK_CHAT_DELETE_BY_SELF - us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageDeleteType
delete by self
SDK_Notification_Service_Closed - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus
SDK_Notification_Service_Error_Internal_Error - us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
Internal error,need retry.
SDK_Notification_Service_Error_Invalid_Token - us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
Invalid token.
SDK_Notification_Service_Error_Max_Duration - us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
Server disconnects the connection if client stayed connected with server for more than 24 hours.
SDK_Notification_Service_Error_Multi_Connect - us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
Use same user/resource login again, on the same device, the previous login application will receive this error.
SDK_Notification_Service_Error_Network_Issue - us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
Network issue,need retry.
SDK_Notification_Service_Error_Success - us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
SDK_Notification_Service_Error_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
Unknown error.
SDK_Notification_Service_None - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus
SDK_Notification_Service_Started - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus
SDK_Notification_Service_StartFailed - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus
SDK_Notification_Service_Starting - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus
SDKEmojiReactionType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Wrong parameters.
The current meeting doesn't support the feature
Cloud record disclaimer need confirm error
SDKERR_NO_PERMISSION - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
No permission.
SDKERR_OTHER_ERROR - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
Other errors.
Internal service error.
SDKERR_SUCCESS - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
API calls successfully.
Repeat Call error.
Not authorized before the use.
Not initialized before the use.
SDKERR_WRONG_USEAGE - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
Incorrect usage of the feature.
SDKNotificationMgr - Class in us.zoom.sdk
SDKNotificationMgr() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationMgr
SDKNotificationServiceError - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
SDKPollingActionType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
enum SDKPollingActionType Type of polling action.
SDKPollingActionType_Delete - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingActionType_Duplicate - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingActionType_Error - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingActionType_ShareResult - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingActionType_Start - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingActionType_Stop - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingActionType_StopShareResult - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingActionType_Submit - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingActionType_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
SDKPollingQuestionType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
SDKPollingQuestionType_Dropdown - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_FillBlank - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_LongAnswer - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_Matching - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_Multi - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_RankOrder - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_RatingScale - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_ShortAnswer - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_Single - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingQuestionType_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
SDKPollingStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
SDKPollingStatus_Initial - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingStatus
The initial status
SDKPollingStatus_ShareResult - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingStatus
User shared polling result.
SDKPollingStatus_Started - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingStatus
User started polling.
SDKPollingStatus_Stopped - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingStatus
User stopped polling.
SDKPollingType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
SDKPollingType_Poll - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingType
SDKPollingType_Quiz - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingType
SDKPollingType_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingType
SDKPresenceStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
SDKPresenceStatus_Available - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_Away - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_Busy - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_Calendar - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_DoNotDisturb - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_InMeeting - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_None - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_OutOfOffice - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_PhoneCall - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_Presenting - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKPresenceStatus_UnAvailable - us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
SDKQuestionCharactersLength - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
SDKRawDataError_AUDIO_MODULE_ERROR - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_AUDIO_MODULE_NOT_READY - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_INIT_DEVICE - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_INIT_DEVICE - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_INTERNAL_ERROR - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_INVALID_PARAM - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_MALLOC_FAILED - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_NO_AUDIO_DATA - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_NO_DEVICE_RUNNING - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_NO_DEVICE_RUNNING - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_NO_LICENSE - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_NO_SHARE_DATA - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_NO_VIDEO_DATA - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_NOT_IN_MEETING - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_NOT_JOIN_AUDIO - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_PREPROCESS_RAWDATA_ERROR - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_PREPROCESS_RAWDATA_ERROR - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_SEND_TOO_FREQUENTLY - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_SEND_TOO_MUCH_DATA_IN_SINGLE_TIME - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_SHARE_MODULE_ERROR - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_SHARE_MODULE_NOT_READY - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_UNINITIALIZED - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_VIDEO_DEVICE_ERROR - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_VIDEO_MODULE_ERROR - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_VIDEO_MODULE_NOT_READY - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_VIRTUAL_DEVICE - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_VIRTUAL_DEVICE - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKRawDataError_VIRTUAL_MIC_IS_TERMINATE - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
SDKRawDataError_WRONGUSAGE - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
SDKWhiteboardCreateOption - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
SDKWhiteboardCreateOption_AccountUsers - us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardCreateOption
Users under the same account can initiate new whiteboard.
SDKWhiteboardCreateOption_All - us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardCreateOption
All participants can initiate new whiteboard.
SDKWhiteboardCreateOption_HostOnly - us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardCreateOption
Only host can initiate new whiteboard.
SDKWhiteboardShareOption - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
SDKWhiteboardShareOption_AllGrabShare - us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardShareOption
Anyone can share whiteboard, but one sharing only at one moment, and anyone can grab other's sharing.
SDKWhiteboardShareOption_HostGrabShare - us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardShareOption
Anyone can share whiteboard, but one sharing only at one moment, and only host can grab other's sharing.
SDKWhiteboardShareOption_HostShare - us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardShareOption
Only host can share whiteboard.
SDKWhiteboardStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
SDKWhiteboardStatus_Started - us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardStatus
User stared share whiteboard.
SDKWhiteboardStatus_Stopped - us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardStatus
User stopped share whiteboard.
send(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKAudioRawDataSender
sendChatMsgTo(InMeetingChatMessage) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Send a chat message.
sendEmojiFeedback(MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionController
Send the emoji feedback.
sendEmojiReaction(SDKEmojiReactionType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionController
Send the reaction.
sendMeetingPairingCode(long, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper
Query if the meeting pairing code is sent in progress.
sendShareAudio(ByteBuffer, int, int, ZoomSDKAudioChannel) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKShareAudioSender
Send audio raw data.
sendShareFrame(ByteBuffer, int, int, int, ExternalSourceDataFormat) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKShareSender
sendVideoFrame(ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int, ExternalSourceDataFormat) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSender
SESSION_NET_QUALITY_BAD - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.SessionNetQualityLevel
The connection quality is poor.
SESSION_NET_QUALITY_EXCELLENT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.SessionNetQualityLevel
The connection quality is excellent.
SESSION_NET_QUALITY_GOOD - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.SessionNetQualityLevel
The connection quality is good.
SESSION_NET_QUALITY_NORMAL - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.SessionNetQualityLevel
The connection quality is normal.
SESSION_NET_QUALITY_NOT_GOOD - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.SessionNetQualityLevel
The connection quality is not good.
SESSION_NET_QUALITY_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.SessionNetQualityLevel
Unknown connection status.
SESSION_NET_QUALITY_VERY_BAD - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.SessionNetQualityLevel
The connection quality is very poor.
SessionNetQualityLevel - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Quality of session network.
set3DAvatarImage(I3DAvatarImageInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext
Specify an image to be the video filter image.
setActivityForShowDisclaimer(Activity) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set the activity to show the disclaimer dialog.
setAllCountries(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Set all available countries on web server.
setAlwaysShowMeetingToolbarEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to enable the option ALWAYS SHOW MEETING CONTROLS.
setAnnotationSnapshotPathInAlbum(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set the path for saving annotation screenshots to the album
setAnswerCheck(IPollingAnswerItem, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Attendee set answer's check.
setAnswerContent(IPollingAnswerItem, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Attendee set answer's content.
setAttendeeViewMode(ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWebinarController
Set the view mode of the attendee.
setAudioFocusType(AudioFocusGainType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
set customize audio focus gain type
setAutoConnectVoIPWhenJoinMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to connect VoIP automatically when the current user joins the meeting.
setBgColorId(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
setBOOption(BOOption) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
Set BO option
setBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
setBufferLen(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
setChannelNum(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
setClaimHostWithHostKeyActionEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set if CLAIM HOST with host key in the meeting is enabled.
setClosedCaptionHidden(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to hide the closed caption on the main video.
setCloudWhiteboardFeedbackUrl(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Allowing the developer to customize the URL of feedback on cloud whiteboard
setConfNotificationCategory(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set the category of notification for ongoing meeting.
setConfNotificationChannelId(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set the channel ID of notification for ongoing meeting.
setConfNotificationPriority(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
set the priority of the ongoing meeting notification
setContent(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageBuilder
Set chat message content.
setContentTextId(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
setContentTitleId(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
setCustomizedInvitationDomain(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Set the customized invitation domain.
setCustomizedMeetingUIEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to enable the option USE CUSTOM MEETING UI.
setCustomizedNotificationData(CustomizedNotificationData) - Static method in class us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationMgr
setCustomizedNotificationData(CustomizedNotificationData, InMeetingNotificationHandle) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Customize meeting notification style
setCustomizedPollingUrl(String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Allowing the developer to customize the URL of create/edit the polling.
setCustomShareOptions(List<ICustomShareOptionItem>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Add customized share item
setDefaultCellPhoneInfo(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SmsService
setDeviceType(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Set device type.
setDomain(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Set a new web domain name, must call from main thread.
setE164num(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Set E.164 number.
setEmail(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Set email box of alternative host.
setEncrypt(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Set encryption type.
setEvent(I3DAvatarSettingContext.I3DAvatarSettingContextEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.I3DAvatarSettingContext
3D avatar callback handler.
setEvent(IBOAdminEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
setEvent(IBOAttendeeEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendee
setEvent(IBOCreatorEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
setEvent(IBODataEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOData
setEvent(IDirectShareServiceHelperEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareServiceHelper
setEvent(IEmojiReactionControllerEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IEmojiReactionController
setEvent(IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
setEvent(IMeetingPollingCtrlEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Configure the meeting polling controller callback event handler.
setEvent(InMeetingSignInterpretationControllerEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Set the interpretation controller callback event handler.
setEvent(InMeetingWhiteboardCtrlEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Configure the meeting white board controller callback event handler.
setEvent(INotificationServiceEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.INotificationServiceHelper
Set the controller event of notification service.
setEvent(IPresenceHelperEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
Set the presence helper callback event handler.
setEvent(IReminderHelper.IReminderEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper
reminder callback event handler.
setExternalAudioSource(IZoomSDKVirtualAudioMicEvent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper
Set external audio source
setExternalAudioSource(IZoomSDKVirtualAudioMicEvent) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper
setExternalShareSource(ZoomSDKShareSource, ZoomSDKShareAudioSource) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKShareSourceHelper
Set a external share source to send raw data by self.
setExternalVideoSource(ZoomSDKVideoSource) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSourceHelper
Set a external video source to send raw data by self.
setFaceRecognitionFailStrategy(FaceRecognitionFailStrategy) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set the fail strategy of face recognition when auto-framing is enabled(mode is "AutoFramingMode_face_recognition")
setFirstName(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Set the first name of alternative host.
setFocusModeShareType(MobileRTCFocusModeShareType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Set the focus mode type indicating who can see the shared content which is controlled by host or co-host.
setFrame(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoCapability
setGalleryVideoViewDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to enable video GALLERY VIEW.
setGestureDetectorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
Set whether to enable gesture detector of shared unit.
setHash(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Set hash algorithm
setHeight(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoCapability
setHideNoVideoUsersEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to enable the option HIDE NON-VIDEO PARTICIPANTS.
setHideRegisterWebinarInfoWindow(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Set the webinar register information dialog to hide or display.
setHideShareButtonInMeetingToolbar(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set hide share button in meeting toolbar.
setHideShareOptions(List<Integer>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Hide specified share item list
setHideWebinarNameInputWindow(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Set the webinar username input dialog to hide or display.
setIncludedTollfree(boolean) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Set the incoming call numbers including toll-free number.
setInterpreterActiveLan(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Set my active language if i am an interpreter
setInterpreterListenLan(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Set a language that I can hear as an interpreter.
setIp(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Set device IP of room system.
setKubiDeviceEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to enable Kubi device setting.
setLargeIconId(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
setLastName(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Set the last name of alternative host.
setLoudSpeakerStatus(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Set whether to turn on loud-speaker if it is able to switch audio output source of the current meeting.
setMeetingNamePassword(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEventHandler
Set the screen name and enter the password to join the meeting.
setMeetingSpokenLanguage(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Set the spoken language of the current user.
setMeetingTopic(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Set a customized meeting topic in meeting, only orginal-host has this permission
setMessageType(ZoomSDKChatMessageType) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageBuilder
set chat message type.
setMiniMeetingViewSize(CustomizedMiniMeetingViewSize) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Set the customized minimize meeting view size
setMuteMyMicrophoneWhenJoinMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to mute microphone when the current user joins the meeting.
setMuteOnEntry(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Set if attendees join the meeting with audio muted.
setName(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.RoomSystemDevice
Set device name of room system.
setNewMeetingUI(Class<? extends NewMeetingActivity>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
set the meeting UI.
setNoInviteH323RoomCallInEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to disable invitation from H.323 Room System.
setNoInviteH323RoomCallOutEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to disable invitation from H.323 Room System.
setNoLeaveMeetingButtonForHostEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to hide leaving button on the dialog when the host leaves meeting.
setNoUserJoinOrLeaveTipEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to enable the tips, NO USER JOINS OR LEAVES.
setNoVideoTileOnShareScreenEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to enable the options NO MEETING TILE ON SHARED SCREEN.
setPanelistChatPrivilege(InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarPanelistChatPrivilege) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController
Set the chat privilege of the panelist.
setPicUrl(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Set the avatar link of alternative host.
setPlayChimeOnOff(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Set whether to play chime when user joins or leaves meeting.
setPmi(long) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.Alternativehost
Set the personal meeting number of alternative host.
setPreProcessor(ZoomSDKPreProcessor) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSourceHelper
set a callback to receive and modify devices video raw data.
setQuotePosition(int, int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageBuilder
Set the chat message content quote style and position.
setRawDataResolution(ZoomSDKVideoResolution) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKRenderer
Set video resolution ZoomSDKVideoResolution
setRawDataResolution(ZoomSDKVideoResolution) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRenderer
Set the raw data video mResolution .
setReactionSkinTone(ReactionSkinToneType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set the emoji reaction skin tone type.
setReceiver(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageBuilder
Set who will receive the chat message.
setRegisterWebinarInfo(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingEventHandler
Set the information to register the webinar.
setSampleRate(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
setScreenName(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Set the display name in meeting.
setSdkLocale(Context, Locale) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Configure ZOOM SDK locale.
setSelectedCountries(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCDialinCountry
Set the countries selected by user.
setShareCamera(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCShareView
Start sharing a camera.
setShareImageBitmap(Bitmap) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCShareView
Add the image to the view and share it.
setSharePDF(String, String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCShareView
Add a PDF file to the view and it will be shared when sharing.
setShareWebview(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCShareView
Add a webpage to the view and share it.
setShareWhiteboard() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCShareView
Start sharing a White board.
setShowProxyServerDialogImmediatelyIfNeeded(boolean) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Set if display immediately the setting dialog of proxy server.
setSmallIconForLorLaterId(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
setSmallIconId(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.CustomizedNotificationData
setSwitchVideoLayoutAccordingToUserCountEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to enable the feature to switch video layout mode automatically between SPEAKER VIEW and GALLERY VIEW based on the number of users.
setSwitchVideoLayoutUserCountThreshold(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set the threshold for the number of users which is used to switch the video layout automatically.
setThreadId(String) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageBuilder
Set the ID of the thread the message will be posted.
setToolColor(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Set the colors of annotation tools.
setToolType(InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Set the types of annotation tools.
setToolWidth(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Set the line width of annotation tool.
setTranslationLanguage(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Set the translation language of the current user.
setTurnOffMyVideoWhenJoinMeeting(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set whether to turn off the video when the current user joins the meeting.
setVideoAspectRatio(VideoAspectRatioType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Set type of video aspect ratio
setVideoAutoFramingMode(AutoFramingMode) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set the mode of auto-framing when auto-framing is started.
setVideoAutoFramingRatio(float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set the zoom in ratio of auto-framing when auto-framing is enabled.
setVideoCaptureSurfaceHolder(SurfaceHolder) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set a surface holder to capture video with camera.
setVideoOnWhenMyShare(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingSettingsHelper
Do not turn off video when my share start.
setWhiteboardCreateOption(SDKWhiteboardCreateOption) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Set the setting option for whiteboard who can initiate new whiteboard.
setWhiteboardShareOption(SDKWhiteboardShareOption) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Set the setting option for whiteboard who can share.
setWidth(int) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoCapability
setZoomUIDelegate(ZoomUIDelegate) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Set the zoom ui delegate.
setZOrderMediaOverlay(boolean) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/SurfaceView Whether the surface view is placed at the top of another regular surface view in the window.
setZOrderOnTop(boolean) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/SurfaceView Controls whether the surface of the view is in its top window.
SHARE - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
SHARE_BOOKMARK - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ShareOptions
SHARE_CAMERA - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ShareOptions
SHARE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ShareOptions
SHARE_IMAGE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ShareOptions
SHARE_SCREEN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ShareOptions
SHARE_WEB_URL - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ShareOptions
SHARE_WHITEBOARD - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ShareOptions
shareContentToViewX(float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
shareContentToViewY(float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
ShareOptions - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
shareRawDataMemoryMode - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
ShareSettingType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Share setting type
Sharing_Other_Share_Begin - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Sharing_Other_Share_End - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Sharing_OtherPureAudioShareStart - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Sharing_OtherPureAudioShareStop - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Sharing_Pause - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Sharing_Resume - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Sharing_Self_Send_Begin - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Sharing_Self_Send_End - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Sharing_View_Other_Sharing - us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
SharingStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
showAANPanel(FragmentActivity) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAANController
Show AAN panel window
showAvatar(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Determine if show the last used avatar in the meeting.
showConfNotificationForSDK(Context) - Static method in class us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationMgr
showConfNotificationForSDK(Context, boolean) - Static method in class us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationMgr
showConfNotificationForSDK(Context, boolean, int) - Static method in class us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationMgr
showDashboardView(Activity, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWhiteboardController
Show the dashboard web view activity.
showDynamicNoticeForAICompanionPanel(FragmentActivity) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAANController
Show the dynamic notice for the AI Companion panel window.
showMiniMeetingWindow() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Show minimized meeting window
showZoomChatUI(Activity, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Show the views of ZOOM meeting chat
showZoomParticipantsUI(Activity, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Show the views of ZOOM meeting participants.
showZoomQAUI(Activity, int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Show the views of ZOOM questions and answers.
SIGN_LANGUAGE - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
SignInterpretationStatus_Initial - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController.SignInterpretationStatus
The initial status
SignInterpretationStatus_Started - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController.SignInterpretationStatus
sign interpretation stared.
SignInterpretationStatus_Stopped - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController.SignInterpretationStatus
sign interpretation stopped.
SimpleZoomUIDelegate - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Default implementation for ZoomUIDelegate
SimpleZoomUIDelegate() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.SimpleZoomUIDelegate
SmsListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
SmsService - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Retrieve_BypassVerify - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Retrieve_InvalidPhoneNum - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Retrieve_PhoneNumAlreadyBound - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Retrieve_PhoneNumSendTooFrequent - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Retrieve_RequestFailed - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Retrieve_SendSMSFailed - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Success - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Verify_BypassVerify - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Verify_CodeExpired - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Verify_IdentifyCode - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SMSVerificationCodeErr_Verify_UnknownError - us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
SPOTLIGHT - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
spotLightVideo(boolean, long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set whether to spotlight user's video or not.
SSLCertVerificationHandler - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
start() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.IRequestStartCloudRecordingHandler
Accept the request to start cloud recording.
startAnnotation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Start to annotate.
startBO() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
startCloudRecord() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Set to start recording the meeting on the cloud if the feature is enabled.
startDirectShare() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareServiceHelper
STARTED - us.zoom.sdk.BOStatus
BO is started
startInstantMeeting(Context, MeetingOptions) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Start a ZOOM meeting with specified arguments for logged-in user.
startInterpretation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Start interpretation
startLiveStreamWithStreamingURL(String, String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Set to start live streaming on the custom third party platform.
startLiveTranscription() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Start live transcription.
startLiving(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
Start answer question living.
StartMeetingOptions - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Meeting options for starting a meeting.
StartMeetingOptions() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingOptions
StartMeetingParams - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Parameters for starting a meeting.
StartMeetingParams() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParams
StartMeetingParams4NormalUser - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Parameters for singed-in user to start a meeting.
StartMeetingParams4NormalUser() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParams4NormalUser
StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Parameters for a user to start a meeting without login.
StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin
startMeetingWithParams(Context, StartMeetingParams, MeetingOptions) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Start a ZOOM meeting with specified parameters.
startPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Start the polling.
startRawArchiving() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRawArchivingController
Start raw archiving,call this method can get rawdata receive privilege
startRawLiveStream(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Start raw live streaming.
startRawLiveStreaming(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Start raw live streaming.
startRemoteControl() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController
Set to start remote controlling.
startSharePollingResult(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Share the poll's result.
startShareScreenContent() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Start sharing screen.
startShareScreenSession(Intent) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Start sharing screen.
startShareViewContent(MobileRTCShareView) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Sharing the content saved in MobileRTCShareView.
startShareViewSession() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Start sharing the content saved in MobileRTCShareView.
startSignInterpretation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Start sign interpretation.
startSmartSummary() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Start smart summary.
stopAnnotation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Stop current annotation.
stopAttendeeVideo(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Host can use the function to mute user's video.
stopBO() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
stopCloudRecord() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController
Set to stop recording on the cloud.
stopDirectShare() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareServiceHelper
stopIncomingAudio(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Stop the incoming audio.
stopIncomingVideo(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Stop the incoming video.
stopInterpretation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Stop interpretation
stopLiveStream() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Set to stop live streaming.
stopLiveTranscription() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
Stop live transcription If the meeting allows multi-language transcription,all users can stop live transcription.
STOPPING - us.zoom.sdk.BOStatus
BO is stopping
stopPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Stop the polling.
stopRawArchiving() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRawArchivingController
Stop raw archiving, call this method reclaim rawdata receive privilege
stopRawLiveStream() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController
Stop raw live streaming.
stopSharePollingResult(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Stop the poll's result.
stopShareScreen() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Stop sharing screen.
stopShareView() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingShareController
Stop sharing the content in MobileRTCShareView.
stopSignInterpretation() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController
Stop sign interpretation.
stopSmartSummary() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSmartSummaryController
Stop smart summary.
submitPolling(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Submit the polling.
subscribe(long, ZoomSDKRawDataType) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKRenderer
Subscribe user video by userId,rawDataType
subscribe(long, ZoomSDKRawDataType) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRenderer
subscribe(IZoomSDKAudioRawDataDelegate) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper
subscribe audio raw data.
subscribe(IZoomSDKAudioRawDataDelegate) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper
subscribeUserPresence(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
surfaceCreated() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
surfaceDestroyed() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoView
suspendParticipantsActivites() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Suspend all participant activities
switchAssignedUserToRunningBO(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOAdmin
switchCamera(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Switch to camera by ID.
switchDomain(String, boolean) - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Call the method to switch sdk domain.
switchToActiveSpeaker() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Switch to the active scene.
switchToDriveScene() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Switch to the drive scene.
switchToNextCamera() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Switch to next camera.
switchToNextPage() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Switch to the next scene.
switchToPreviousPage() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Switch to the previous scene.
switchToSignLanguageView() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Switch to the sign language scene.
switchToVideoWall() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomUIService
Switch to the gallery scene.


Tada - us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
TextStyle_BackgroundColor - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_Bold - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_BulletedList - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_FontColor - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_FontSize - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_Indent - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_InsertLink - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_Italic - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_None - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
Chat message content font style normal
TextStyle_NumberedList - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_Paragraph - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_Quote - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
Chat message content font style quote.
TextStyle_Strikethrough - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
TextStyle_Underline - us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
Thumbsup - us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
timeOut() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IInvitationMeetingHandler
Instance the invitation is timeout, timeout and finally self-destroy.
timerDuration - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.BOOption
seconds of BO timer duration, NOTE: when timerDuration is 0, it means that the BO duration is 30*60 seconds.
topMargin - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
The position of top video frame apart from the edge of the monitor.
toString() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MeetingParameter
toString() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
transferMeeting(int) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.INotificationServiceHelper
Try to transfer meeting to current device.
trust() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.SSLCertVerificationHandler
The SSL certificate is trusted.
tryAutoLoginZoom() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Login ZOOM SDK automatically with local ZOOM/SSO token once you have logged in successfully.
tryRetrieveMicrophone() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Try to retrieve microphone in the meeting
tryWithMeetingNumber(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareViaMeetingIDOrPairingCodeHandler
Try to match with the specified meeting number.
tryWithPairingCode(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IDirectShareViaMeetingIDOrPairingCodeHandler
Try to match with the pairing code.
turnFocusModeOn(boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Turn focus mode on or off.
turnOffMajorAudio() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Turn off major audio channel while listen other language channel
turnOnMajorAudio() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingInterpretationController
Turn on major audio channel while listen other language channel
TYPE_AI_COMPANION_PLUS_DISCLAIMER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
Reminder type of AI Companion Plus disclaimer.
TYPE_ARCHIVE_DISCLAIMER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of archive reminder.
TYPE_ClOSE_CAPTION_DISCLAIMER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
Reminder type of Close Caption disclaimer.
TYPE_ENABLE_SMART_SUMMARY_REMINDER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of enable smart summary
TYPE_JOIN_PRIVATE_MODE_MEETING_REMINDER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
Reminder type of join meeting with private mode.
TYPE_LIVE_STREAM_DISCLAIMER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of live stream reminder.
TYPE_LOGIN_REQUIRED - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of login.
TYPE_MULTI_DISCLAIMER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
Reminder type of disclaimers combination.
TYPE_QUERY_DISCLAIMER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of query disclaimer
TYPE_QUERY_ENABLE_REQUEST_REMINDER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of query enable request
TYPE_RECORD_DISCLAIMER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of record disclaimer.
TYPE_RECORD_REMINDER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of record reminder.
TYPE_SMART_SUMMARY_DISCLAIMER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of smart summary disclaimer.
TYPE_SMART_SUMMARY_ENABLE_REQUEST_REMINDER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of smart summary enable request
TYPE_START_OR_JOIN_MEETING - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of start or join meeting.
TYPE_TERMS_OF_SERVICE - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of terms of service or privacy statement changed.
TYPE_WEBINAR_AS_PANELIST_JOIN - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
reminder type of join webinar as panelist.
TYPE_WEBINAR_ATTENDEE_PROMOTE_REMINDER - us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType


undo() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController
Undo the last annotation.
uninitialize() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
uninitialize Zoom SDK
UNKNOWN - us.zoom.sdk.ShareSettingType
UNKNOWN - us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
unmuteAllAttendeeAudio() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController
Unmute all by the host.
unregisterNotificationService() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK
Unregister notification service.
unSpotlightAllVideos() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVideoController
Set all user's video unSpotlight.
unStarContact(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
unSubscribe() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper
unsubscribe audio raw data
unSubscribe() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKRenderer
UnSubscribe video
unSubscribe() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper
unSubscribe() - Method in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRenderer
unSubscribe raw data.
unSubscribeUserPresence(List<String>) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IPresenceHelper
updateActiveVideoUnit(MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Update active video unit render information in the MobileRTCVideoView.
updateAttendeeVideoUnit(long, MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Update the specified attendee's video unit render information in the MobileRTCVideoView.
updateBOName(String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IBOCreator
updatePermissions(String[], int[]) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingService
Will need to call this interface to notify SDK that the corresponding permissions have been granted.
updatePreviewVideoUnit(MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Update preview video unit render information in the MobileRTCVideoView.
updateShareVideoUnit(MobileRTCRenderInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
Update shared video unit render information in the MobileRTCVideoView.
us.zoom.sdk - package us.zoom.sdk
useBGImage(IVirtualBGImageInfo) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVirtualBackgroundController
use the specify image item for virtual background.
useNoneImage() - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingVirtualBackgroundController
Disable the virtual background.
USER_TYPE_API_USER - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
API user.
USER_TYPE_FACEBOOK - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
User logins with Facebook account.
USER_TYPE_GOOGLE_OAUTH - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
User logins with Google authentication.
USER_TYPE_SSO - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Single-sign-on user.
USER_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
Unknown user type.
USER_TYPE_ZOOM - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MeetingService
User logins with working email.
username_bottom_margin - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
The distance of the username from the bottom side of the video.
username_corner_radius - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
user name round corner radius.
username_left_margin - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
The distance of the username from the left side of the video.
username_textpaint - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo
TextPaint for user name.
USERROLE_ATTENDEE - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole
Attendee in the meeting.
USERROLE_BREAKOUTROOM_MODERATOR - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole
Host in breakout meeting.
USERROLE_COHOST - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole
USERROLE_HOST - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole
USERROLE_NONE - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole
For initialization.
USERROLE_PANELIST - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole
Panelist in webinar.
userType - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParam4WithoutLogin
User types defined in MeetingService.
userType - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin
User types defined in MeetingService.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.AudioFocusGainType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.AutoFramingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.BOCtrlUserStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.BOStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.BOStopCountdown
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageDeleteType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.EncryptionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.EnumComponentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ExternalSourceDataFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.FaceRecognitionFailStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.FreeMeetingNeedUpgradeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendeeEvent.ATTENDEE_REQUEST_FOR_HELP_RESULT
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController.MobileRTCMicrophoneError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCChatGroup
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarChatPriviledge
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarPanelistChatPrivilege
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.RequestStartCloudRecordingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController.MobileRTCRemoteControlInputType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.UVCCameraStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.VideoStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController.SignInterpretationStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.WaitingRoomLayoutType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate.UserRawDataStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AudioType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AutoRecordType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MeetingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCFocusModeShareType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInNumberType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.PreAssignBODataStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardCreateOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardShareOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ShareSettingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.VBType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.VideoAspectRatioType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.VideoQuality
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAppLocal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioChannel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKChatMessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRawDataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoResolution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.AudioFocusGainType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.AutoFramingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.BOControllerError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.BOCtrlUserStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.BOStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.BOStopCountdown
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.CannotShareReasonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ChatMessageDeleteType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.DirectShareStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.EncryptionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.EnumComponentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ExternalSourceDataFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.FaceRecognitionFailStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.FreeMeetingNeedUpgradeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.IBOAttendeeEvent.ATTENDEE_REQUEST_FOR_HELP_RESULT
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAnnotationController.AnnotationToolType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingAudioController.MobileRTCMicrophoneError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCChatGroup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarChatPriviledge
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCWebinarPanelistChatPrivilege
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingCloudRecordController.RequestStartCloudRecordingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveStreamController.MobileRTCLiveStreamStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionOperationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController.MobileRTCLiveTranscriptionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingRemoteController.MobileRTCRemoteControlInputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.AudioStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.RecordingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.UVCCameraStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.VideoStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingSignInterpretationController.SignInterpretationStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingUserInfo.InMeetingUserRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.CustomWaitingRoomDataStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.WaitingRoomLayoutType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.CallOutRoomSystemStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.InviteRoomSystemHelper.PairingRoomSystemResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.IReminderHelper.ReminderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate.UserRawDataStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.LocalRecordingRequestPrivilegeStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AudioType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MeetingItem.AutoRecordType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MeetingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MeetingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCEmojiFeedbackType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCFocusModeShareType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRawDataError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSDKError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCSMSVerificationError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.CallInNumberType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneFailedReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.PhoneHelper.PhoneStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.PreAssignBODataStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ReactionSkinToneType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.RichTextStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKEmojiReactionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKNotificationServiceError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingQuestionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPollingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKPresenceStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardCreateOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardShareOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SDKWhiteboardStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ShareSettingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.SharingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.VBType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.VideoAspectRatioType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.VideoQuality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.VideoScene
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAppLocal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioChannel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKChatMessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRawDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoResolution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vanityID - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
Meeting vanity ID, what is personal link name.
vanityID - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParams
Meeting vanity ID, what is personal link name.
VB_TYPE_BLUR - us.zoom.sdk.VBType
VB_TYPE_IMAGE - us.zoom.sdk.VBType
VB_TYPE_NONE - us.zoom.sdk.VBType
VBType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
verify(String, String, String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.IZoomVerifySMSVerificationCodeHandler
VIDEO_ASPECT_FULL_FILLED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitAspectMode
Full screen.
VIDEO_ASPECT_LETTER_BOX - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitAspectMode
VIDEO_ASPECT_ORIGINAL - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitAspectMode
Original video aspect ratio.
VIDEO_ASPECT_PAN_AND_SCAN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitAspectMode
Pan and scan.
VIDEO_ASPECT_TRUSTEE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoUnitAspectMode
Video_Mute_ByHost - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.VideoStatus
Video_OFF - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.VideoStatus
Video_ON - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingServiceListener.VideoStatus
VideoAspectRatioType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
VideoQuality - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
VideoQuality_Bad - us.zoom.sdk.VideoQuality
The video quality is poor.
VideoQuality_Good - us.zoom.sdk.VideoQuality
The video quality is good.
VideoQuality_Normal - us.zoom.sdk.VideoQuality
the video quality is normal.
VideoQuality_Unknown - us.zoom.sdk.VideoQuality
unknown video quality status.
videoRawDataMemoryMode - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
VideoResolution_180P - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoResolution
resolution 180P
VideoResolution_360P - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoResolution
resolution 360P
VideoResolution_720P - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoResolution
resolution 720P
VideoResolution_90P - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoResolution
resolution 90P
VideoScene - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
viewPollingResultFromBrowser(String) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingPollingController
Open a polling result in the web browser.
viewToShareContentX(float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
viewToShareContentY(float) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCVideoViewManager
voteupQuestion(String, boolean) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingQAController
voteUp question


WaitingRoomLayoutType_Default - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.WaitingRoomLayoutType
WaitingRoomLayoutType_Logo - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.WaitingRoomLayoutType
WaitingRoomLayoutType_Video - us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingWaitingRoomController.WaitingRoomLayoutType
webinar_token - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingOptions
The webinar token is null.
webinarAttendee_can_chat - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the attendee can send message to chat
webinarAttendee_can_chat_to_all_panellist - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message to all the panelists
webinarAttendee_can_chat_to_all_panellist_and_attendee - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message to all the panelists and attendees
webinarOtherRole_can_chat_to_all_panellist - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message to all the panelists
webinarOtherRole_can_chat_to_all_panellist_and_attendee - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message to all
webinarOtherRole_can_chat_to_individual - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
TRUE indicates that the user owns the authority to send message to individual attendee
WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Legal notice content for Webinar registration
WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.WebinarRegistLegalNoticeContent
webinarToken - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParams
width - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
The width of video
widthPercent - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
The percentage that the video unit width occupies the total one of the monitor.
withdrawCCPrivilege(long) - Method in interface us.zoom.sdk.InMeetingLiveTranscriptionController
WithDraw the user privilege to send closed caption.
wrapperType - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams


xPercent - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
The percentage of the left video frame apart from the edge of the monitor.


yPercent - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.MobileRTCRenderInfo
The percentage of the top video frame apart from the edge of the monitor.


ZOOM_API_ERROR_EMAIL_LOGIN_IS_DISABLED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomApiError
ZOOM_API_ERROR_FAILED_CLIENT_INCOMPATIBLE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomApiError
ZOOM SDK client is not compatible.
ZOOM_API_ERROR_FAILED_NULLPOINTER - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomApiError
ZOOM SDK is not initialized before use.
ZOOM_API_ERROR_FAILED_WRONGPARAMETERS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomApiError
Failed due to one or more invalid arguments.
ZOOM_API_ERROR_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomApiError
API calls successfully.
ZOOM_API_INVALID_STATUS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomApiError
API status is invalid, it can not be called now.
ZOOM_AUTH_EMAIL_LOGIN_DISABLE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
Authentication email login disable.
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_LOGINTOKENINVALID - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_NEED_BIRTHDAY_ASK - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
Authentication Successful.
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_USER_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
Authentication failed due to inexistent user.
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_UserDisagreeLoginDisclaimer - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_ACCOUNTLOCKED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_OTHER_ISSUE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
Authentication failed due to wrong password.
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_PHONENUMBERFORMATINVALID - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_SDKNEEDUPDATE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_SMSCODEERROR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_SMSCODEEXPIRED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_TOOMANY_FAILED_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_AUTH_MFA_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAuthenticationError
ZOOM_ERROR_AUTHRET_ACCOUNT_NOT_ENABLE_SDK - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
Auth fail: account not enable sdk
ZOOM_ERROR_AUTHRET_ACCOUNT_NOT_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
Auth fail: account not support
ZOOM_ERROR_AUTHRET_CLIENT_INCOMPATIBLEE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The Api calls failed because auth client version don't support.
ZOOM_ERROR_AUTHRET_KEY_OR_SECRET_ERROR - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
Auth fail: key or secret error
ZOOM_ERROR_AUTHRET_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The authentication rate limit is exceeded.
ZOOM_ERROR_AUTHRET_TOKENWRONG - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The jwt token to authenticate is wrong
ZOOM_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The device is not supported by ZOOM.
ZOOM_ERROR_DOMAIN_DONT_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The domain is not support
ZOOM_ERROR_ILLEGAL_APP_KEY_OR_SECRET - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The Api calls failed because the key or secret is illegal.
ZOOM_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The Api calls failed due to one or more invalid arguments.
ZOOM_ERROR_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The Api calls failed because the network is unavailable.
ZOOM_ERROR_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
Api calls successfully.
ZOOM_ERROR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError
The Api calls failed due to an unknown reason.
zoomAccessToken - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.JoinMeetingParam4WithoutLogin
ZOOM access token(zak) returned from REST API.
zoomAccessToken - Variable in class us.zoom.sdk.StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin
ZOOM access token(zak) returned from REST API.
ZoomApiError - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM application error code definitions.
ZoomAppLocal - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomAuthenticationError - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM authentication error code definitions.
ZoomError - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM error code definitions.
ZoomLocale_CN - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAppLocal
ZoomLocale_Def - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomAppLocal
ZoomMeetingChatStatus - Class in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomMeetingChatStatus() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomMeetingChatStatus
ZoomSDK - Class in us.zoom.sdk
ZOOM SDK global manager.
ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode_FollowHost - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode_Gallery - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode_None - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode_Sharing_SidebysideGallery - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode_Sharing_SidebysideSpeaker - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode_Sharing_Standard - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode_Speaker - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAttendeeViewMode
ZoomSDKAudioChannel - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKAudioChannel_Mono - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioChannel
ZoomSDKAudioChannel_Stereo - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioChannel
ZoomSDKAudioRawData - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Zoom SDK audio raw data bean.
ZoomSDKAudioRawData(ByteBuffer, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
ZoomSDKAudioRawData(ByteBuffer, int, int, long) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawData
ZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper - Class in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKAudioRawDataHelper
ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Listener for the result of ZOOM SDK user authentication.
ZoomSDKAuthenticationListener.SDKNotificationServiceStatus - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKChatMessageType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Chat message type
ZoomSDKChatMessageType_To_All - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKChatMessageType
ZoomSDKChatMessageType_To_All_Panelist - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKChatMessageType
ZoomSDKChatMessageType_To_Individual - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKChatMessageType
ZoomSDKChatMessageType_To_Individual_Panelist - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKChatMessageType
ZoomSDKChatMessageType_To_None - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKChatMessageType
ZoomSDKChatMessageType_To_WaitingRoomUsers - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKChatMessageType
ZoomSDKCountryCode - Class in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKCountryCode(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKCountryCode
ZoomSDKInitializeListener - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Listener listens to ZOOM SDK initialization results.
ZoomSDKInitParams - Class in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKInitParams() - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKInitParams
ZoomSDKNotInitializedException - Exception in us.zoom.sdk
Exceptions that Zoom SDK has not been initialized successfully.
ZoomSDKNotInitializedException() - Constructor for exception us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKNotInitializedException
ZoomSDKNotInitializedException(String) - Constructor for exception us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKNotInitializedException
ZoomSDKNotInitializedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKNotInitializedException
ZoomSDKNotInitializedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKNotInitializedException
ZoomSDKPreProcessor - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData - Class in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData(boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKPreProcessRawData
ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryMode - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
RawData Memory Mode ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryModeStack : ByteBuffer release on stack over ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryModeHeap : ByteBuffer release by reference release
ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryModeHeap - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryMode
ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryModeStack - us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryMode
ZoomSDKRawDataType - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKRenderer - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Zoom SDK video raw data render.
ZoomSDKRenderer(IZoomSDKVideoRawDataDelegate) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKRenderer
ZoomSDKRenderer Constructor
ZoomSDKShareAudioSender - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKShareAudioSource - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKShareSender - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKShareSource - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKShareSourceHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Interface to set external share source
ZoomSDKVideoCapability - Class in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKVideoCapability(int, int, int) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoCapability
ZoomSDKVideoRawData - Class in us.zoom.sdk
Zoom SDK Video raw data bean.
ZoomSDKVideoRawData(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, boolean, int, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
ZoomSDKVideoRawData(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, boolean, int, int, int, int, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
ZoomSDKVideoRawData(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, boolean, int, int, int, int, long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoRawData
ZoomSDKVideoResolution - Enum in us.zoom.sdk
Zoom SDK video resolution.
ZoomSDKVideoSender - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKVideoSource - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomSDKVideoSourceHelper - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Switch video source
zoomSDKVideoSubscribe_Fail__HasSubscribeShare - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSubscribeFailReason
zoomSDKVideoSubscribe_Fail_HasSubscribe720P - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSubscribeFailReason
zoomSDKVideoSubscribe_Fail_HasSubscribeExceededLimit - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSubscribeFailReason
zoomSDKVideoSubscribe_Fail_None - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSubscribeFailReason
zoomSDKVideoSubscribe_Fail_NotInMeeting - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSubscribeFailReason
zoomSDKVideoSubscribe_Fail_NotSupport1080P - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSubscribeFailReason
zoomSDKVideoSubscribe_Fail_ViewOnly - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDKVideoSubscribeFailReason
ZoomSDKVideoSubscribeFailReason - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Subscribe user fail result for the callback onSubscribeUserFail
ZoomUIDelegate - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
ZoomUIService - Interface in us.zoom.sdk
Service for users' to operate with Zoom UI
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